Chapter 14

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I wake up, grab some clothes and head off to the bathroom, all three dogs are following me as I'm passing the kitchen to let them out I hear my grandparents talking to my dad " Charlie how are you going to afford the hospital bills?" Grandma pauses "Faith took the house, half of your money and who knows what else" I hear a chair slide back angrily as grandma gets up and yells one more time "I told you that she was the worst choice, I knew you two would never last!" she storms out of the kitchen angrily, dad sighs and grandpa says "Charlie you need a job or Valory's treatments are going to kill you, I'm serious son" grandpa continues hesitantly "You're mother is just frustrated because we all know that her cancer is deadly, it's rare and we don't know if she is going to live. damn what if she does'nt get to have a life, no husband, no children, no job, no wedding..." I hear grandpa get up and say sadly "I'm going upstairs" I rush over to the front door and let the dogs outside than I run into the bathroom and shut the door quickly. I sit down and start to cry.

After about twenty minutes of crying I jump into the shower trying to wash away the tears that are rushing down my face, getting out of the shower I throw my hair into a high bun, brush my teeth and get on some breeches and a tank top and head out to the barn. I put on my boots and see that someone has fed the dogs, sighing I walk over to the barn, opening the door I find Lady waiting patiently for some hay and grain along with the other horses. I feed everyone and get Lady's tack ready for our first ride in about a month. Last time I rode her it was the day before my accident the 24 of September now it's October 20 and I can't wait to ride her again.

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