Chapter 29

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Walking back to the house Zack pulls a leaf out of my hair. It's around supper time when we enter the house, we find everyone enjoying Chinese take out. Grandma is the first to see us standing in the door way "Finally! Wherever have you two been all evening!" I give her a wink and just causally say "The lake" she laughs and dishes us up some white rice and sushi.
   Dad asks "Well are you ready Val?" Everyone looks at me waiting for a response "Yes" I say boldly. " You'll do great sweetie" Grandpa says gruffly.
After dinner I head up to the bathroom to take a shower, hopping in the cool spray I begin to think about my courses  but soon a sharp pain stabs me in the side and I realize how blurry the room got and wisely sit down on the shower floor with cold water pounding against my body. After it subsides I cautiously get out and wrap my body in a towel and head to my room. It's the day before try outs and all I can think of  is dying but I work up the courage and push it to the back of my mind for the rest of the week.

     *12:30 PM*
I'm startled awake by my body on fire. Not literally but it should have been! I frantically run to the shower and hop in , hoping that nobody wakes up by the sound of the water.

*1:00 AM*
Getting out of the shower I take some Advil and go back to bed. But before going to bed I write something very important in my journal.

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