Chapter 22

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June 1st

I'm sitting in my chair at the hospital getting poison pumped into my body, choosing which horse shows I want to enter Artisto and Lady in this summer.Artisto is trained now, and he loves to jump, he doesn't mind dressage. I'm hoping to go to the Olympic try outs at the end of the summer, of course Edith thinks I'm mad Im trying to block her out as I mark down the 45 horse shows me and my horses will be attending this summer "Oh Valory I highly doubt you will get in, there are no sixteen year old's going to the Olympics especially one's with cancer" sighing I close my lap top and turn to look at her and smile "I guess I'll be the first Edith" grabbing my journal I flip it open and start writing about the horse shows that I entered, I'll be on tv for most of these horse shows that I entered for this summer, grand prix level this year! Im a rookie but 14 years of riding horses and going to shows I think I can go to grand prix level as long as I stay confident me and my horses can go far.

Leaving the hospital I notice storm clouds brewing, rushing to my car before the clouds start to cry, hurrying along I start my car up and turn on the windshield whippers as the rain pelts across my car. Sighing and thanking God that I didnt get wet I drive out of the parking lot towards home. The rain is getting worse and worse as I drive, I pull over on the side of the road and turn on the radio "Severe thunderstorm warning for the surronding areas" "And of course Eli has to be on there" I mumble to myself, I turn the station to 101.3 and go to start my car back up, it makes a sputtering noise and dies, I try again and it sputters and dies again. "You have to be kidding me" I scream to the rain.

Pulling on my hoodie I get out of the car and walk towards the hood in the bone chilling rain, my flip flops squish and squash as Im walking. Opening up the hood I cant even see what the hell happend to it. Grumbling I get back in the car, turn down the radio and try calling my dad and grandpa, of course theres no service! Grabbing my stuff and the keys to my car I get out and decide to walk home its only a mile or two away from the dirt road that leads to the stables, locking the car I set off.

I grumble and complain, the cold rain is still not slowing down and to make things worse Im soaked.

Its been an hour and I still have not made it to the dirt road, screaming into the night sky "I give up God, why do you have to make my life so damn hard!" I hear splattering behind me and through my peripheral vision I see lights, turning around I see a blue truck coming my way. "Thanks God" I mumble up to the sky, the truck pulls over by me and the driver rolls down the passenger window and Im face to face with a guy, a hot guy to be exact. He looks me up and down with his gorgeous blue eyes and says "Hey do you need a ride" he pauses for an answer and I nod, he reaches over to open the door and I jump in and he starts driving and asks "Where too?" I say "The old stables on Willow road" I feel myself blush, he smiles "Im suprised you took up my offer you know" I look at him confused and he continues noticing my confusion "Its raining and a beat up pickup pulls over and asks you if you need a ride, you dont even know me and you said yes right away" I sit there and think of something to say "Well..." instead of talking I pull off my hood "Well do you think I care anymore? If your going to kill me then sorry because something else is beating you too it" I pull my hood back up and stare out the window "Well dont worry I wont kill you" he says and starts laughing his laugh is contagious and soon we are both doubled over on the side of the road laughing in his truck nearly crying to death he asks me "So whats your name mystery girl, Im Zack" he turns the car back on and begins to drive again waiting for an answer "Well Zack Im Valory" he smiles and pulls onto the dirt road towards home, reaching the house he parks the truck and I thank him, hopping out of his truck I wave and run up to the house.

Zack's POV

Once Valory is safely inside I turn my truck back on and leave, smiling as I picture her doubled over laughing. I glance over to the passengers seat where she was just seating and see her bag "Crap" I mutter under my breath "I'll have to bring it back to her once the storm passes"

I get home and head inside, Ma's sleeping and my german shepard is laying down on the couch, taking off my cowboy boots and putting my baseball cap on the hook I jump down next to him and turn on the tv, but instead of watching the tv I dream of Valory, her smile was so cute and those dimples. I say to Buddy "She's a perfect gal Bud, but I doubt she'd date me" sighing I lay down on the couch and dream on into a deep sleep.

Valory's POV

Closing the door I rush upstairs to my bathroom to take a nice warm shower, peeling off my wet clothes I think off Zack, his laugh and bright blue eyes. Walking into the steamy shower I dream on about him and wish that in another world we could be together but I know that no guy would want me because Im bald and Im sick, some guys say Im ugly or they make jokes like Mike Harrison did in May for my birthday I never told my friends but inside the card it said scribbled all over the money "Ugly bitch" I walk out of the shower, wrap a towel around my body and look in the mirror at my sickly features, feeling my head I wish for my blond hair and my smooth, glowing skin. I get my pajamas on and lay in bed staring at the ceiling until I fall asleep.

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