Chapter 11

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     Its Friday morning, the last week of December, me and dad are packing up the car. Boxes after boxes are stuffed into the two cars. After about two or three hours we finish, I jump into my car with the dogs and start it up. Dad backs out of the driveway and I follow backing out of our driveway one last time, I sigh and take one last glance at our old house before I drive off towards Wisconsin

We drive for hours and hours passing  signs that say different names of different towns.

Snow is falling  All of a sudden my mare pops into my mind! WHAT ABOUT HER!!!!!! I scramble to get my phone out of my bag while trying to drive down the icy road. I was suprised that my dad would even let me drive... But he gave me strict rules that if I felt even a little dizzy I had to pull over no matter what. I dial my dads number and he picks up all worridley "Whats wrong Valory?"

I ask him "What about Lady dad?"

I hear my dad sigh and the line goes quiet for awhile "Valory... We cant afford her anymore" Im stunned "Your mom took most of the money and I had to quit my job in order for us to move, Im sorry champ" I start to cave in but than a spark of anger takes over, I know its my sickness thats pulling my dad under I hang up angrily making a U- turn I race back towards Minnesota, back towards the barn.

After about  an 1 hour of driving as fast as the speed limit would let me I made it to the barn. I hop out and the dogs follow me in a single line. I sigh breathing in the wonderful smells. Looking around I see that nothing has changed in the past few months that I've been absent. I run to my locker and pull out Lady's pink halter and lead rope, running to the paddock with my dogs trailing behind I open the cold gate and race over to Lady who is in her pink blanket, the winter air rushes through my lungs as I take a deep breath into her warm, furry chest. Hearing her heart beat *baboom baboom baboom* loudly into my ear, she neighs quietly and I feel her warm breath on my hand. After awhile I finally put on her pink halter and lead her up to the barn and into the wash stall where I start getting her ready to leave, I haven't seen her in about 2-3 months! I start packing up her things and shove them into the trunk of  my car  than I get into the car and go get my trailer ( That I  leave at the barn for shows),when I return for Lady and the dogs I'm greeted by the buzzing of my  phone... I sigh and pick up "Hello this is Valory Moore speaking" I'm greeted by the angry voice of my father "WHERE ARE YOU?" I calmly answer "I had to stop for gas dad I'm on my way" he sighs loudly into the phone and replies sadly "Fine but next time tell me before you vanish, I'll see you in Eli champ" I hang up and shove my phone into my bag while walking back to my horse and dogs, I tell the dogs to head to the car and they run of one by one jumping into the car,  I grab Lady's lead rope and start leading her to the trailer where she has enough grain and hay to last her the three hours and twenty two minute drive from Scandia all the way to Eli Minnesota!

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