Chapter 9

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My dad got home around 10 PM.

I was waiting for him with the dogs in the living room, when he saw me he sighed and told me what had happened with the lawyer " I asked your mother for another month to stay in the house but she wants us out. We have to be gone by the end of the week, start packing champ" after he finishes explaining he heads upstairs and yells back down " There are boxes in the garage"

I curl up on the couch with the dogs and fall asleep.

Waking up to dogs licking my face is normal for me every morning, I open my eyes to see Yoshi's huge face inches from my own... I laugh and get up from the couch realizing that I fell asleep in the living room. I open the door and the dogs go running out into the yard, snows falling on the ground. The first dog outside, jumping into the fresh, powdery snow is Yoshi who practically falls down the steps as he races for the snow on the ground, Darling is fast on his heels and she falls over him. Snoopy just stares at them both and walks down the stairs, slowly and irritated by the snow. Im on the ground laughing.

After that histerical scene... I walk into the kitchen and start making some strawberry waffles.

My phone starts to ring, I look down at the screen and see Carly's name. I pick up my phone and Carly beings to talk "Hey gurllll, whats up" I smile and reply to Carly "Nothing just making some waffles" I start pouring batter into the waffle maker as she talks about school and homework "Val me, Sam and Megan are going to come over after school today to give you the weekly assignments, Im walking over right now to pick up last weeks assignments" I sigh and close the waffle maker, turning it on. "Ok I will have my homework ready, when you get to the door" hanging up I walk to the front door grabbing my folder that is full of all my homework. The doorbell rings and Carly comes bursting inside with a purple bag in one hand and a phone in the other, she smiles her big toothy smile and practically screams "Hey gurlll, I missed you, when can you come back to school?" She plops down on the couch, throwing her bag to the floor "When can you come back to the barn?? I think your horse misses you ALOT" I smile and hand over the folder replying " I missed you to gurl, I dont know when I can come back, all I know is that we need to move before the end of the week and thats why you, Megan and Sammy are coming over tonight" I try to say somewhat cheerfully.

She leaves to go to school 20 minutes later, we talked about moving, news at the barn and the cancer. After she left I went back and started eating my waffles. A half an hour later my dad comes down to the kitchen and starts eating, before he heads off to work, he tells me that we will be moving in with Grandma and Grandpa at the end of the month after christmas.

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