Chapter 20

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I wake up this morning and head downstairs for breakfeast, Im still in my pajamas and the dogs are still drowsy, I yawn as I enter the kitchen grabbing the dogs food and pouring it into their bowls, Yoshi rushes to the first bowl and eats it as fast as he can, the other two follow with their bowls. Once they are fed I find my seat at the table and wait for grandma to finish the pancakes. She hands me a plate of pancakes with some eggs and bacon, then some orange juice, a glass of water and my medicine. Then she yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". I laugh and start eating. After I finish my birthday breakfeast, I get ready to go to school, grabbing my bag and lunch Im about to head out when grandma thrusts a present in my face and says happily "Open just one present before you go!" I sigh and set my stuff back down on the ground and rip apart the purple wrapping paper, it reveals a purple box. Slowly and carefully I open the little box and see a charm bracelet, lifting it out of the box I gasp and look at all the little charms there's a diamond horseshoe, a pawprint, a book, my birthstone and a million more different charms! I hug grandma and whisper into her ear thanks then I put it on and leave for school.

My new friends are waiting for me at the front door of the highschool. Lily a blond girl with glasses hands me a bag with purple tissue paper flowing out of it and gives me a big hug, Ruby another blond girl squeels and joins into our hug, once we are done hugging they both yell (Very loudly) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I laugh at them and hug them again. Ruby hands me another bag with even more blue tissue paper flowing out of the bag! We head to homeroom and sit down in our desks right next to eachother, they both wait patiently as I open each gift carefully. from Ruby I got a pink infinity scarf with horses on it, earrings, nail polish and a nice pair of breeches. Lily got me some nail polish, a horse stuffed animal, a photograph of us three with a frame and a purple bandanna for my head. Im just about to hug them both when Mike a brown eyed, brunette, tall boy walks up to us and hands me a envelope "Hey Valory, Happy birthday" I take the envelope, opening it I find a card that says Happy Birthday, inside of the card is his number and twenty bucks. I glance up from the card and he's standing there with his hands in his jeans, I feel myself starting to blush and quickly say "Thanks Mike, I love it" he smiles and turns around back towards his desk. I put all my gifts into my bag and when I look back up Lily and Ruby are smiling and waiting for me to say something about Mike, when I dont say anything Lily blurts out "WELL?" I laugh "Why would Mike Harrison want to go out with a sick, bald, cancer girl?" Ruby frowns and says "Because your pretty Val" She hugs me from across the desk, the bell rings and we head off to class. One more hour until shopping time!!!

       After shopping me, Lily and Ruby head back to my place. Im parking the car and see someone peeking through the window.... sighing I get out (I hate suprises), Lily and Ruby head up to the house with all of our bags yelling after them "Im going to go feed the horses" they reply with a peace sign over their heads, laughing I make my way to the barn, grabbing a halter and a leadrope I head over to the mares pasture, opening the gate I grab the nearest mare which is  Honey. Leading her back to her stall, then I grab Lady, Bonnie, and lastly Blackberry. Once all of the mares are in their stalls I head back out for the geldings, first I grab Artisto, then Oreo and lastly Clyde. Finally everyone is inside their stalls, drinking their fresh water and chowing down on their hay, I get the grain and start going down the row of horses one by one, throwing grain in each red bucket.  I finish feeding everyone and head back up to the house, reluctant to enter, pausing at the door I peek through the window and see presents, family and my two friends sitting around the living room laughing and smiling. Thinking to myself that its not that big of a suprise.....

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