Chapter 25

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"Welcome to Blue Heron's equestrian competition, the first round of dressage tests will start in ten minutes, ring 1, 3, 4 and 5 are on time,and ring 2 is 5 minutes behind." The announcer's voice crackled throughout the show grounds. "In ring one we will have Mandy Gander, ring two we have Valory Moore, ring three we have Danielle Camille, ring four we have Sammantha Goodnow and ring five we have Faith Hanns" I grab Artisto by the reins and start walking towards ring two. "All of these young ladies will be participating in Grand Prix level dressage we wish you luck" with that the announcers voice is cut off and I'm mounting Artisto in the warm up ring. My couch Sally peers up from her clip board and gives me a toothy smile and a thumbs up. Entering the ring at the trot me and Artisto quickly get into competition mode. Ready to win the competition with a good attitude! It's our chance to make it to the Olympics and if we win this competition we qualify to move on to the Olympic try outs in Agust. With that in mind I take a deep breath and my dressage instinct takes over. Everything around me is a blurr, except the course in mind and Artisto in hand. I try not to think of the burning in my bones or anything related to my cancer, I just want to show everyone that eventhough I have Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Halting at X I salute and exit the ring at A. I glance over at my family and see that everyone is smiling, there's a brown haired lady next to my father holding is hand, Sally is waiting for me on the other side of the arena. "Amazing" she practically jumps in the air " Oh that was wonderful Val, we have two more tests left to go" I smile at her enthusiasm "Thanks Sally" I pat Artisto on his neck as I dismount, I feel Nauseous and quickly hand the reins over to Sally and say quickly "I need to run to the bathroom" I turn and rush to find a bathroom. Quickly glancing around I see a trash can behind the food court and just throw up. After I'm done throwing up I turn around and head back towards the stables were I find Artisto waiting in his stall for our next test in an hour. He nuzzles his muzzle into my side and I just sigh. Grabbing my water bottle I take a swig of water and get ready for the next test.

Later in the night...

"Congrats for the big win darling" Grandpa raises his glass in the air towards me, Grandma follows by saying "You and those horses worked so hard and I am very proud of you" smiling I say thanks and glance over at dad who has his arm around his new lady, I'm just about to say something when the doorbell rings, getting up I rush over to see who it is. Opening the door I'm face to face with a big stuffed horse... Behind that horse is Zack. "Oh my god" I burst out laughing until my side hurts, Zack peeks around the big head and gives me his famous toothy smile and chuckles "So you promised me a dinner if you won and you won" grinning I beckon him to come inside, whispering "This does not count" he passes me. Laughing I head back into the dining room were my family is talking to Zack, Grandpa looks up as I enter the room and asks "So whats the next step darling?" I sit down and reply "Well Grandpa at the end of August we head to the Olympic tryouts and see if we are good enough to compete" he strokes his beard and I start stabbing at my carrots. Dad's new 'girlfriend' looks up from her plate "So Valory what do you want to do with your life" I pause and put down my fork, looking up at her I calmy say "I don't have a life anymore, cancer stole that away from me along time ago" standing up I push in my chair and head upstairs to my bedroom with the three dogs trailing behind me. Opening my journal I write down my thoughts about the show and about my symptoms.

I feel bad for freaking out at Dads girlfriend. I hope he knows that I love him and that I'm happy for him. I'm so ready for the Olympic try outs! The date is almost here, the red x's on my calender keep getting closer to the circled square labeled Tryouts. My Dad and his new girlfriend Mariah are happy and I hope that they will stay happy forever. Grandpa and Grandma are same as always proud and happy to be with me, and finally Zack... We are in love, he kissed me before he left dinner and asked me out to dinner after the try outs, I can't wait....

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