Chapter 1

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Pain, Tears and 911


I wake up to an agonizing pain in my left side, as I try to get up pain sears through my body, it seemed to boil right down to my bones. I scream and gasp as I tumble off of my bed with a loud 'THUMP'. My eyes start to close and darkness over powers me. I barely hear the footsteps frantically scrambling up the staircase to my bedroom.

I awaken to the beeping of machines and the bickering of my parents over in the corner of the hospital room. I slowly try to sit up but a pain jabs me in the side, I gasp and my dad is instantly by my side. He grins and yells loudly "Morning champ", while my mom just sighs and glares at my dad and me, he turns back towards my mother and resumes the conversation. I turn my head towards the window and slowly start to drift back to sleep.

Im at the verge of sleep, when the white hospital door flings open with a loud 'CLUNK' Im startled awake, turning my head slowly I see a tall man come striding into my room he's wearing a white lab coat with green scrubs and chasing after him trails a chubby nurse wearing bright pink scrubs with cupcakes all over her shirt..... I sigh and throw the blanket back over my head. Suddenly my bickering parents stop and the blanket comes flying off of my head. I growl unpleasantly as the doctor starts to jibber jabber to my parents.The nurse waddles over to me, and hands me a dixie cup that contains two tiny red pills.

She smiles and starts to talk "Hello Valory, how are you feeling today? Any pains or sores" I give her a tiny smile and respond hoarsely "Im feeling fine" as I down my pills I see my parents exiting the room with the doctor through the corner of my eye.

My phone buzz's quietly on the wooden bedside table, as I try to grab my white IPhone 5z a fast pain stabs me in the side, I gasp and drop my phone on the white tiled floor of my hospital room. I whine as I see my phone continues to vibrate, groaning defeatedly I turn on the tv, and Spongebob sucks me into his world.

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