♫4♫ You Auditioned Me For What?!

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I was pretty bored today...so after uploading this chapter, I decided to make a cast list.

The cast isn't exactly how I defined my characters to look like...they're more like "approximations" of what my characters should look like! :)


Chapter 4

You Auditioned Me For What?!

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window.

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with the blinding rays of the sun: its light seeping into my room from the cracks between the curtains. I turned my head towards the alarm clock, about to check the time, when suddenly, my phone started to ring.

I groaned. My phone was on my desk…which so happened to be on the opposite side of where my bed was.

Feeling too lazy to get up and answer it, I closed my eyes again. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard footsteps heading towards my room.

The door flung open and I heard my brother call out, “Rise and shine, Jules! It’s already eleven.”

I bolted out of my bed. “Eleven?” I said, shocked. I have never gotten up this late before.

“Yes, eleven,” said Hyde, exasperatingly, from the hallway. “I have to go pick Kale up from his house. We have to go somewhere real quick. Mom made you some pancakes, but they’re rather cold, but being the big girl you are, you can just heat them up.” He smirked at me and then headed back downstairs, car keys in hand.

“Fine.” I got out of my bed and headed towards my closet, throwing on a pink sundress that ended at my knees and a cute butterfly hairclip with wings that bounced every time you moved. I brushed my hair and then hurried over to the bathroom, about to wash my face, when I realized something dark-colored on the left part of my forehead.

Feeling rather uneasy about the discoloration, I tentatively raised my eyes up to meet the colored-skin on my forehead and practically screamed when I realized it was a bruise.

A big.



“Sweet mother of god!” I shouted, my hands gripping my head. Please tell me I’m dreaming.

I quickly pinched my arm and slapped my cheeks, willing myself to wake-up. However, when I registered the pain on my arm and the stinging sensation in my cheeks, I realized that I was not dreaming and that I was, in fact, awake and breathing.

“No, no, no!” I panicked. The bruise was a least an inch in length and covered about two-thirds of my left forehead. It was a dark purplish-brown color with a sickly yellow outline around it. I tentatively raised my hand to touch the bruise and winced as I felt my fingers on it. The skin felt tender and softer than usual.

I groaned in frustration.

Great, thanks a lot Hyde. You have now officially ruined my summer.

How the hell am I supposed to go out like this?

I angrily flung open the bathroom door and trudged back to my room, grabbing my phone in the process, and plopped down onto my bed. I raised my phone up to eye-level and then checked the one missed call I had.

“Of course it’d be Ivy,” I muttered to myself. I speed dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

“Hey, why didn’t you pick up earlier?” asked Ivy.

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