♫19♫ Oh My God, You're Allergic To Peanuts?

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Never have I uploaded another chapter so fast, lol. But I couldn't help it; this was possibly one of my most favorite chapters to write. :)


Chapter Nineteen

Oh My God, You’re Allergic To Peanuts?

“Girls, I need your help!” I whined, as I flung open the door to our hotel room. I flung myself face-first onto my bed, groaning as I recalled the events that had just happened. Ivy was sifting through her suitcase, trying to look for the perfect outfit, while Lola was sitting on her bed. She gave me a weird look as she watched me flop onto the bed.

“What help?” Lola asked.

“You disappeared at like, seven in the morning. If I wasn’t so sleepy, I would’ve asked where you were going.” said Ivy.

“I think Sterling was just about to ask me out,” I blurted, as I turned around in the bed so that my face was facing upwards, towards the ceiling. “Like, after I was finished with my jog, I came back to check out our results—which we placed twenty-first on, by the way—when I bumped into Sterling and he uh, asked me how I was doing…and then…I don’t know, everything just went from cheery and nice to downright awkward!” I sighed. “This sucks. Quick: I need an answer! I told him I was gonna pee and if I stay a minute longer, then it’ll seem as if I was avoiding him on purpose!”

“Oh my god, what did I tell you, Lola?” said Ivy, excitedly. “I told you he liked her!”

“Actually, I confirmed to you that he liked her,” Lola corrected.

“Yeah, yeah, I kinda eavesdropped on that one conversation you guys had a few days ago—but that’s not the point! I don’t know what to say!” I whined.

“Do you like him?” asked Ivy.

I shrugged. “That’s the thing: I don’t know.” I buried my face into my pillow. “And I don’t want to date him to only find out that I don’t like him.”

“I mean, you’ve known him for like, what? Three weeks now? I know for a fact you guys have been hanging out for a few times now. He seems like a sweet guy,” Ivy said.

“I think you should go for it,” added Lola. “He’ll be your first boyfriend…right?”

I nodded. “Which sucks, because I have no experience whatsoever.”

“So? For all you know, Sterling could’ve never had a girlfriend too.”

“I bet he has, though. He’s cute and everything and he has a wonderful personality. He’ll probably break up with me within two—”

“Juliet!” Ivy snapped her fingers in my face. “I’m pretty sure he won’t. Plus, you’re starting to annoy me. You’re starting to sound like one of those stereotypical girls in high school, where when the guy asks her out, she’ll be all like ‘Oh my god, I don’t know what to do! I don’t think he’ll like me, I don’t think…’ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah—cut the crap, Jules. Just say yes to him and see where it’s going to go, okay?”

I pursed my lips and mulled her words over. Finally, I said, “You’re right. Life’s about taking risks. I think…I think I’ll do it!” And with that final sentence out, I quickly bounced off the bed and then pulled open the door and ran back down the stairs (not even bothering to use the elevators this time) to give him my answer.

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