Chapter 2

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Grace's POV

The tears in my eyes made it slightly difficult to see, but they soon subsided as I swerved in and out of the rows of cars. I had no idea where I was going, but I just needed to clear my head.

The more time I spent in the car, the more I thought about Chester. I knew that he was still thinking about it, because so was I. I had never heard him be so harsh and honest in the time that we had been dating.

I turned up the radio, trying to distract myself from my own thoughts. As I drove, I thought of somewhere I could go. Somewhere I could forget what had just happened and just breathe for a while.

Mamrie's house.

I turned down into the road where Mamrie lived and parked outside her house. I flipped down the little car mirror and looked at myself. My eyes were slightly damp from the tears, which I had tried to prevent, and my nose was red. I gently dabbed at my face with a tissue until it looked like I hadn't been crying, before I knocked on the front door.

The door opened and Mamrie's cheerful face greeted me.

"Hey, Helbig. What brings you here?" She grinned and Beanz frolicked at her feet.

"Just dropping in to say hi" I smiled slightly and walked into her familiar house.

We sat on the couch and Mamrie looked me in the eye.

"Are you sure you're just here to say hi? You don't look so great." She frowned, slightly concerned. I sighed gently at Mamrie's great knowledge of my emotions. "What happened?"

"I don't know." I looked down at my feet and shuffled them.

"I know that's your catch phrase, but I need a proper answer." Mamrie chuckled and reached out to touch my knee. I knew she would keep asking until she got an answer.

"Chester and I had a fight." I paused. "About a baby."

"Ah, he wants kids, doesn't he?" Mamrie always amazed me at her great ability to understand and read people. She always knew things.

"He told me he's always wanted a baby and I shouldn't deprive him of one." I began to cry, for the first time in months. "I'm not ready for a child. If I even manage to keep it alive for 9 months, I would never be able to care for a helpless human being. I can scarcely take care of Goose, for fuck's sake."

"Calm down, Helbig." Mamrie's voice was soothing. "I know you don't want kids, but you wouldn't be a bad mother. You're perfectly capable of being a great mom, whether you decide to have kids or not. For some people, it comes naturally, for others it's a developed skill." The attempts at comforting me were only making me more upset.

"I don't deserve Chester. He needs someone who can have as many kids as he wants." I close my eyes and gulp."Even he thinks so."

"If he thinks that, he doesn't deserve you. Just because you don't want kids doesn't make you worth anything less. He should appreciate you and your opinions."

"I guess. He just doesn't understand that I would never be able to care for such a tiny, helpless baby."

"Have you ever thought of adoption?" Mamrie tried looking in my eyes, but I swiftly moved my head, because I couldn't stand people seeing me when I was vulnerable. "Maybe then you don't have to go through pregnancy. You could even adopt an older child if you wanted."

Everything was still for a moment. The idea was beyond crazy in my mind.

"I'm sorry about that. Don't listen to anything I said. You do what works for you, okay?" Mamrie placed her hands on my shoulders. "Let's just leave this subject for now. We can binge watch some Real Housewives and stalk french bulldogs on Instagram."

"That sounds really great." I chuckled and wiped a stray tear.

"I'm honestly the best friend. I know just how to cheer you up!" Mamrie jokingly admitted, but in all fairness, it was very true. 

A few blissful hours of fun passed, when suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Hold on one second. I've got a message." I quickly pulled my phone out from my pocket. Chester's name flashed on the screen. My stomach lurched as I thought of what waited for me behind the lock screen of my phone...

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