Chapter 3

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Grace's POV

I unlocked my phone and held my breath as I opened Chester's message.

Chester: I love you

He was obviously looking for any reason to contact me.

I quickly put my phone away. I felt uncomfortable again, which Mamrie could sense.

"It's getting late. I should probably go." I rose from the couch, wiping at my eye.

"Thanks, Mamrie. I really appreciate it. I'll see you soon then?" I grabbed my purse and keys from the coffee table and we approached the front door.

"Of course. Call me if you need anything else, okay?" Mamrie grinned as I got into my car and backed out of her driveway.

"Thanks again." I call out of my car window.

As I drove, I kept thinking about Chester's confessions and Mamrie's suggestions. Adoption seemed crazy.

The noise of my car engine running calmed me as I drove to Walmart to buy milk. On the inside, I knew I was just trying to avoid going home and facing whatever awaited, but regardless, I drove into the parking lot and pulled my car into one of the bays.

As I walked into Walmart, I began noticing more children and parents, because I usually don't think of them very much, but now I was just focused on them. Moms with babies, couples with kids and any other type of parent and child seemed to all be coming towards me. I reassured myself that they were not paying as much attention to me as I was paying to them.

Be calm, Grace. They probably don't even see you. Don't panic. I soothed myself with logical thoughts and quickly went to the fridge section and got two bottles of milk.

One regular, one soy, just like I usually do.

I approached the counter and sighed at the long line before joining the back of it. In front of me, was a little girl sitting in a trolley, clutching a teddy bear whilst her mom chatted to her as they waited. The girl looked no older than 3, yet she happily contributed the conversation. I seemed to have caught her atttention, because she looked at me and giggled. Her sweet and innocent expression brought a smile to my face.

Her mother turned back and looked at me with an equally positive expression.

"Say hi, Lily." The girl's mother encouraged her.

"Hello." Lily's voice softened, revealing her shy side.

"Hi Lily. I like your bear." I gestured towards the stuffed toy that she clung to. "Does he have a name?"

"El." She answered as her mom pushed the trolley in the fast moving queue.

"That's a great name." I grinned and she beamed back at me, but her interest soon shifted to the candy on the racks.

"I think she really likes you," Lily's mom looked lovingly at her daughter before looking back at me. "She scarcely ever talks to anyone she doesn't know. Do you have any kids?" That question seemed so casual to her, yet so scary to me. 

My heart jumped. "Oh, no I don't." I blushed slightly

"Well, you'd make a great mom." She said as she was called to the counter to pay. "Nice talking to you!"

"You too." I waved at Lily as I spoke and she wiggled her fingers at me.

One phrase echoed in my head, bouncing back from all the walls of my brain and shouting back at me. A great mom... What if?

{This is quite short, and I apologise for that, but longer chapters are coming! Thank you for reading xX}

What If?-GresterWhere stories live. Discover now