Chapter 25

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Grace's POV

The nurses placed the baby on my chest. My little baby girl. She screamed and cried, but I stroked the incredibly soft, brown hair which grew abundantly on her head. I gently ran my finger over her skin. It was softer than anything I'd ever felt. She was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

Tears of joy ran down my face as I realised that this tiny baby was mine and mine forever. I had birthed her, I would look after her and she would be mine. Her eyes were still closed, but her crying faded as I comforted her. Finally, she opened her eyes, revealing large, dark brown orbs filled with wonder and innocence. Her eyes were a reflection of mine and it felt as though I was looking in a mirror. Despite how young and tiny the baby was, she looked exactly like me.

Chester looked over the two of us, and he was silenced with amazement. He delicately kissed the top of the baby's head, before he kissed me.

"Can I hold her?" He whispered guiltily, as if he felt bad taking her away from me.

I nodded, tears still streaming down my face. He took her gently into his arms and cradled her, looking down into her beautiful, big eyes, with tears running down his face.

"She's perfect." He smiled and placed her back on my chest, where she belonged.

"I'm gonna call Hannah, Mamrie and your mom." He wiped stray tears from his face as he exited the room with his phone in his hands.

I felt overjoyed to be alone with my baby. She made soft gurgle noises occasionally and they made my heart skip a beat. I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else in the world than right here.

Chester entered the room again, with a big smile on his face.

"Mames is on her way, and your mom is catching a flight in a few days." He nodded in my direction and reclaimed his seat at my bed, watching the two of us interact.

Within 10 minutes, Mamrie was in the room with Sophie balanced on her hip.

"I got here as fast as I could," Mamrie said between panting.

She put Sophie down and came over to me, to look at the baby. She gasped as she saw my tiny baby, with a head full of dark hair and gorgeous brown eyes, framed by dark long eyelashes, which she had clearly inherited from Chester.

"Is this my godson or daughter?" She smirked.

"It's our little girl." I spoke, choking on the words, because they seemed too good to be true.

I noticed Sophie, who stood shyly at the end of the bed, unsure of what to say or do.

"Hey baby. Do you want to come see your baby sister?" I smiled and she nodded eagerly, her face lighting up.

"Let me help you." Chester picked Sophie up and brought her to me, gently letting her sit on the bed and marvel at her sister.

Sophie's eyes widened as she saw her sister. She looked absolutely in love with the beautiful baby.

"You can touch her if you want. Just be gentle." I guided Sophie's small hands and helped her stroke the baby's hair and touch her teeny tiny pink hands.

"I love her." Sophie whispered.

"Me too. And I love you just as much, you know that?" I stroked Sophie's cheek and she smiled.

"I know." She giggled.

Chester and Mamrie watched us from afar. Chester pulled out his phone and took a video of the three of us, touching and softly speaking to the baby. He filmed it because he had never seen either of us as happy as we were that day.

Chester's POV

Hannah came rushing into the room, with Ingrid behind her.

"Let me see the munchkin!" She squealed

She walked over to Grace's side, with Ingrid following with her hand on Hannah's shoulder. Hannah looked down into the baby's eyes.

"She's so beautiful," Hannah grinned

"Grace, she's so gorgeous. Conragtulations." Ingrid smiled and gently touched our baby's velvety hair.

"Can I hold her?" Hannah held out her arms and Grace cautiously placed the baby in them.

Hannah accepted the baby and held her gently and cooed at her softly. She then passed the baby to Ingrid, who held her just as delicately and finally to Mamrie, who kissed her on the cheek and gave the baby back to Grace.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Ingrid played with Sophie's two ponytails as she spoke.

"We thought it would be nice if Sophie named the baby." I grinned at Sophie, who's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really? I get to name my own baby sister?" She shrieked with delight.

Grace nodded and giggled at our daughter's excitement.

"I want her name to be..." She paused in thought. "Charlotte. I want her name to be Charlotte, like the girl in the cartoon."

Grace smiled. "The one with the nice clothes?"

"Yeah, because she's my favourite." Sophie smiled, content with her choice.

"I like it. Charlotte." I paused and took in the name. 

"It's got a nice ring to it." Grace nodded.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and it was decided that our baby's name was Charlotte and it suited her perfectly. 

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