Chapter 24

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Grace's POV

Sophie and I were casually watching her favourite cartoons on TV. She sat close to me, but not on my lap, because there was scarcely any space due to my large stomach. She held my arm and leaned her head on my shoulder, regularly chirping about the show and the characters. Chester was nearby in the kitchen, editing a video on his laptop.

"See? That one." Sophie pointed at the TV, "She's my favourite because I like her clothes."

I giggled at the remark. "She does wear very nice clothes, I guess."

Suddenly I convulsed with pain and Sophie looked at me with a disgusted face as I clutched my stomach.

"Ew!" Sophie shouted. "Mommy peed herself!"

Sophie jumped up and looked at me with a look of horror. Chester came running in, to see me on the floor in severe pain.

"My water broke." I whispered.

Chester looked at me with panic in his eyes.

"Call Mames. Someone needs to stay with Sophie." I called out. Chester nodded and proceeded to call Mamrie.

"Mommy, what's happening?" Sophie looked like she was about to cry. She had no idea what was going on and this was all very scary to her.

"Don't worry, baby. Aunt Mames is going to come and watch you. Your baby brother or sister is coming soon." I soothed, but Sophie kept her distance from me.

Within a matter of minutes Mamrie arrived and Chester and I were ready to go, with him carrying my overnight bag.

"Good luck, Gracie. Love you." Mamrie called out, with a tearful and worried Sophie in her arms, who refused to look at us and buried her head in Mamrie's neck.

The two of us hastily climbed into the car and drove to the hospital. I would occasionally wince as I felt the extreme pressure on my abdomen.

"Are you okay?" Chester looked extremely panicked as he watched my face contort with each contraction.

"Focus on the road." I managed to giggle slightly.

Chester's POV

When we arrived at the hospital, Grace was put in a wheelchair and wheeled to the labour ward. I followed closely, agonised by Grace's face, as it was a reflection of her pain.

"Fucking shit." She mumbled each time she had a contraction.

They helped her up onto a hospital bed and prepped her for the birth, by helping her into a hospital gown and making her as comfortable as they could before the doctor would come in.

"Are you ready for this, Gracie?" I was nervous and gripped her hand.

"Ready as I'll ever fucking be." She murmured and it brought a little smile to my face. "Are you seriously smiling right now? I just wanna get this thing out of me. It's killing me." She threw her head back with frustration, but I knew that as soon as they placed the baby on her chest, she'd feel full of love again.

"I'm gonna make a quick call to your mom." I said and pulled out my phone.

Theresa had still to hear about Grace going into labour. Everyone was expecting the baby to come next week, so she had only booked a flight for a few days later.

"Hello, Theresa?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hi Chester. Is everything alright?" She spoke sweetly.

"We're all good. I'm here with Grace at the hospital, because she's gone into labour." I looked over at Grace, who was calm at the moment, but still slightly pained.

"Oh my goodness! Is she okay?" Theresa sounded shocked, but excited.

"She's great. Just in a bit of pain." I smiled slightly.

"A bit?" Grace exclaimed. "Feels like I'm birthing a fucking walrus." She hollered and Theresa giggled over the phone like a nervous little girl.

"Well, I'd better go support her, so we'll call soon. Bye." I put down the phone and went to Grace's side. She snatched my hand and held it firmly.

The doctor came in and we were ready to have our baby.

"Right, let's go, Miss Helbig." The doctor pulled his gloves and smiled, but Grace still looked very grumpy.

Four hours later, when everyone was already bored and tired of waiting, when our doctor became excited.

"Right, I need you to push as hard as you can. We can see the baby's head!" The doctor was becoming excited.

After three forceful pushes from Grace, who's forehead was damp with sweat, and our little baby was born. The baby cried furiously as the nurses quickly bathed it before bringing it over to Grace, wrapped up in a little blanket.

It's face was red as a tomato and it looked perfect. The nurses placed the baby on Grace's chest.

"Congrats on your new baby.." The nurse's sentence trailed before telling us the gender. 

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