Chapter 27

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Grace's POV

That night, we set up a bed in Sophie's room for my mom to sleep in, since we no longer had any guest rooms.

We let Sophie stay up that night, since it was a special occasion, but when midnight struck, she was visibly tired.

"Sophie, I can see you're tired." I teased and tickled the sleepy girl under her chin.

"No I'm not." She murmured, almost asleep.

"I'm tired too. I think we're all going to bed soon, right?" I asked and Chester and my mom nodded.

"Okay.." Her voice trailed, but just at that moment, Charlotte began crying again.

I sighed gently. It was time for another feed. This baby really was a handful and I had no idea how I would've gotten any sleep that night.

"Don't worry, Grace." Chester touched my shoulder. "You go feed Charlotte, I'll tuck Sophie in."

"Thanks, Ches." I kissed him with relief. "Night, angel." I kissed Sophie's cheek and she smiled sleepily.

I went into the nursery and picked up the angry baby. I soothed and fed her and she calmed down. I gently rocked her, stroking her hair until she was calm. I then lowered her into her crib and she began crying again. I felt was tired, but I stayed with Charlotte, kissing her and soothing her. I loved her with all my heart, but she was a rather troublesome baby.

My mom quietly sauntered into the room, after saying goodnight to Sophie. She stood behind me, looking down at little Charlotte.

"She's testing me." I sighed slightly and looked down at the beautiful little human.

"I know she is. She's a fussy baby, but believe me, you were way worse." My mom chuckled.

"No ways! I was a good baby." I retorted.

"You? A good baby? Grace, you cried non-stop and sucked the life out of me, but I loved you endlessly. As you got older, things didn't get easier. Sophie's so well behaved compared to the little devil you were." My mom giggled again. "You pulled a whole hunk of my hair out!"

I smiled, remembering that moment. "Okay, so maybe I wasn't the best behaved..."

"Believe me, no matter how difficult Charlotte is, you'll always love her and she'll make you smile everyday. She reminds me of you. Her little face, her behaviour. Everything about her."

"I guess." I sighed and smiled down at my baby. "I've just got to get used to the whole baby thing. I mean, I'm a mom but I've never raised a baby. Sophie came to us as a well-adjusted 4 year old."

"It'll become easier with time. Just bare in my mind that I'm always here if you need me." My mom smiled and rubbed my shoulder. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to share a bed with my granddaughter."

I smiled at the remark. Sure, my mom was cheesy, but I loved her anyway.

Chester's POV

Sophie clambered into her bed and I tucked the covers right under her chin, making her giggle. I placed her stuffed toys around her and made them talk to her as she tiredly batted her eyelashes.

"Hey Sophie?" I said, breaking character from the toy I was pretending to be.

"Yes, Daddy?" She looked at me intently.

"You know we love you just as much as the baby, right?" I stroked her pink cheek with my finger.

She nodded with a sweet smile on her face.

"Even if Mommy and I are busy with the baby, we still love you. Do you know why?" Her grey-blue eyes glistened as she listened to me.

"Why?" Her little voice called out.

"Because you're our glow worm. You know the one who has the little light on his butt?"

"Yeah?" Sophie looked hooked on my sentence.

"That's you, because you're so little, but you lit up our lives when we met you, and you continue to do that everyday." I felt tears pricking my eyes as she giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Night, my little glow worm." I called as I left the room, walking towards my own.

I then got into bed and soon after, Grace got in too. The two of us faced each other and smiled tiredly.

"Grace, I'm really proud of you." I whispered.

"Why?" She smirked slightly, as if she didn't believe me.

"Because you're amazing. You gave birth to a baby a few days ago, and you're still up and about and beautiful. I have no idea how you do it. Thank you for doing this for me." I pulled her closer into my arms and she sighed contentedly into my chest.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." She spoke softly, almost inaudibly.

"Well, duh. I kind of helped create the baby, you know? Weren't you paying attention during sex-ed?" I chuckled slightly.

"God. You're such an idiot." She giggled. "I mean, your help. You've been so great with Sophie while I was in hospital, you told everyone about the baby, you helped my mom get here. You've just been great, is what I mean."

"Gracie, I love you. Not just love you, I'm infatuated by you." I ran my hand through her hair.

"You're pretty infatuating, yourself, Mr See." She mumbled sleepily and fell asleep shortly after, with my hands still in her hair.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Helbig." I whispered to myself.

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