Chapter 9

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Grace's POV

Several phone calls and a matter of days later, Chester and I were seated on a plane to New Jersey. We would be staying for 3 days and then heading back home. My mom was ridiculously excited to have me home at any time besides Christmas.

As I sat in my seat, my anxiety grew and the plane prepared for take-off. I felt my shoulders hunched up and fiddled with my hands. Chester knew me all too well. He could always tell when I was anxious. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached out and held my hand.

"Close your eyes and we'll be in the air before you know it." He whispered and I felt instantly calmed. I closed my eyes, just as he told me to and tried to drown out the noise of the plane.

My heart was beating fast, and my breathing was irregular, but I reassured myself with gentle, logical thoughts.

The plane sped up on the runway before it tilted and we were up in the air, at high speed. This made me so anxious that I couldn't calm myself anymore. I struggled to breathe and opened my eyes to see Chester, looking worriedly at me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.

A few hours later, I woke up in the same position, which was rare because I hardly ever slept on planes. Chester had his earphones in and pulled them out when he saw I was awake.

"Wow, Grace. So much for keeping me company, hey?" He smiled.

"Sorry, babe." I giggled. "Are we almost there?"

"We're in the process of landing." He gave my hand a squeeze.

How did I get so lucky? He was the best boyfriend in the world.

Chester's POV

We waited to be picked up by Theresa, Grace's mom, at the arrival section of the airport.

As I waited, I watched all the people pass. Some were alone, other's with their partners, but the families were the ones who caught my eye. Each one was different and clearly had their own dynamics.

I paid particular attention to a small family of three. A man, woman, and their little boy who sat on their luggage and laughed. They seemed so happy and unaffected by the world. I longed to be like them. To have my own little family with Grace.

"Gracie!" Someone squealed and I looked to see Theresa hugging Grace. "Oh, I missed you so much!" She held onto Grace as if she would never let go. I smile at them. It was great to see someone who loved Grace as much as I did.

"I missed you too." Grace laughed and ended the hug to grab her luggage.

"And Chester." Theresa's excitement seemed endless as she drew me into her arms and gave me a warm hug. "Let's get going. The car is parked pretty far away."

Grace playfully rolled her eyes at the comment. "Mom, you really are a terrible driver." Theresa giggled in response.

When we got to the car, Grace drove us to their home. From what I could see, from out the car window, New Jersey was quite a pretty place.

We pulled up outside the house and I unloaded our suitcases from the trunk of the car and wheeled them inside.

In the living, Grace's step-dad was seated on the couch, with his reading glasses halfway down his nose, reading the paper. Grace went over and gave him a hug.

"Grace!" He called. "Great to see you, kid." Grace smiled at the word kid. She was clearly still their little girl here in New Jersey.

I walked over and shook his hand. "Nice to finally meet you." I beamed and he nodded in return and then continued to read his paper.

"Let me show you where to put the bags. You two will be staying in Grace's old room." Theresa was almost bouncing with excitement as she led us to the room and opened the door.

It looked like teenage Grace was still living there. The room was relatively empty, except for the double bed, drawers, dresser, cupboards and a few lonely, tattered posters which Grace had left behind when she moved to Brooklyn.

"Real classy, huh?" She walked over and looked at one of her posters, laughing under her breath and Theresa smiled too.

"I'll leave you to rest. You must be tired after your flight." Theresa walked off.

Grace continued to search through her drawers for lost and forgotten trinkets. "This stuff is gold." She read an old letter and giggled.

"Let me read it!" I yelled and reached for the letter which she moved from my hands. "No fair! Give it."

She shoved it in her pocket and we were tangled together as I grasped for it. Grace moved my cheek towards her face and kissed me. I was instantly less interested in the note. I kissed her back, looming over, my hands wrapped around her waist. She sighed contentedly and stretched her arms around my neck.

"It's good to be home." She whispered and proceeded to kiss me.

What If?-Gresterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن