Chapter 20

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Grace's POV

Christmas was fast approaching. We would be spending it in New Jersey, with my family. I was nervous and excited to see them and announce the pregnancy. My little baby bump was slightly less little, as I was now 4 months pregnant, and still hadn't informed my parents or siblings. It would also be the first time that they would be meeting Sophie, in person, although they often FaceTimed, and Sophie and my mom had formed an adorable relationship and often messaged each other using only emojis on my phone.

Chester and I had most of Sophie's presents, that we would be flying over to my mom's house, but we were missing a few bits and bobs, but we agreed that we would buy those things there. Mamrie and Hannah had already given us our presents, including a lavish, very realistic little kitchen set for Sophie, which we reluctantly accepted, because of how they spoilt our daughter. They really were the best aunts.

Chester, Sophie and I arrived at the airport with an Uber. Chester pulled his luggage and mine, since my hands were full with hand luggage and my phone, and Sophie walked between us, pulling the same suitcase she had arrived at our house with, when she came to live with us permanently. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Are you excited to fly?" I marvelled at her excitement, because I was very anxious, because it felt like everyone was watching me, not to mention my great dislike for flying. I readjusted my loose-fitting clothes, in attempt to hide my bump. 

"Yes!" She squealed. "Do I get my own seat and everything?"

"Yeah, you do." I smiled and Chester managed to grip my hand and kiss me, despite the many bags we carried. "And then we get to see Nana, Uncle Tim, Grampy and Uncle John and your cousins."

Sophie was already familiar with my mom, Tim and my step-dad, but she hadn't talked to anyone else.

"Hey Sophie, can I ask you a favour?" I became slightly more serious. She nodded sincerely.

"You can't tell anyone about the baby yet, okay?" I motioned towards my stomach. She comically mimed zipping her lips, just like Hannah had taught her, which made me smile again.

Once we were on the flight, I buckled Sophie into her seat, propping her up with pillows so she would be comfortable, and made sure she paid close attention to the safety demonstration. I had become such a mom since we adopted her. I then buckled my own seat and began anxiously fiddling with my fingers as we prepared for take off. I closed my eyes and felt Chester's hands slip into mine.

"Gracie, it's okay. Just think happy thoughts." He assured me and Sophie looked at us in a perplexed fashion.

"Mommy?" She stroked my arm gently. "What's wrong?" She frowned.

"I don't like flying very much." I kissed the top of her head. She was irresistibly cute when she was compassionate and gentle like this.

"You have to be a big girl like me. Flying is easy-peasy." She confirmed and made Chester and I smile.

"Yeah, Grace, be a big girl." Chester smirked at me.

"Shut the fuck up, Ches." I laughed and he pretended to be shocked.

"No bad words!" Sophie yelled, which made me laugh even more.

"Hey, keep it down, little peanut." Chester smiled and my anxiety faded away with the help of my family.

Chester's POV

Finally, we arrived in New Jersey. Grace and I had stayed up during the flight and talked quietly about our plans for Christmas and breaking the news to her parents whilst Sophie slept peacefully, with her head on Grace's lap.

We waited in the airport to be picked up. Sophie was still asleep in Grace's arms with her head on her shoulder and I held all the bags. I had been really proud of our daughter's behaviour during the flight, because people had complimented Grace and I on how quiet and sweet she was.

Suddenly in the distance, Tim arrived. He walked over with a big grin on his face and gave me a hug.

"Hey Chester, nice to see you again." He smiled and then moved over to his sister. She instinctively tried to cover her stomach, incase you could see her bump, which you couldn't.

"Oh my god, she's so cute." Tim patted Sophie's back gently, before hugging Grace. "Long time no see, loser."

"What a shame, I see you still haven't hit puberty since last Christmas." She mocked Tim and gave him a little push.

"Grace, I'm a grown man in my twenties." He sighed, but he was clearly glad to see Grace. "Let's get going. I can't deal with mom on my own. She's going crazy over Christmas preparations."

"I didn't expect any less." Grace laughed.

During the drive home, Sophie woke up and sleepily blinked. She looked around before looking at us.

"Where are we?" She murmured.

"We're going to Nana's house." I smiled at the word Nana. When Sophie and Theresa starting FaceTiming, she came up with that name for her.

She looked at Tim and smiled. "Uncle Tim!"

"Hey, Sophie!" He grinned. "Nice to finally see you." Sophie reached out and hugged his neck, to his surprise.

When we got to the house, Sophie had talked a hole in Tim's ear. She asked him endless questions and he really seemed to enjoy her company. I carried the bags inside, with Tim's help, with Grace and Sophie following us to the door, hand in hand.

Theresa opened the door and Sophie's eyes lit up. "Nana!" She squealed and ran into Theresa's open arms. Theresa picked her up and hugged her lovingly, before looking deep into her eyes and taking in the little girl's beautiful, petite features.

"Sophie, I'm so glad to see you!" She tickled our daughter. "FaceTime just wasn't good enough, huh, princess?"

The bond between the two was instant. Seeing Sophie and Theresa together reminded me of what Grace and Theresa must have been like when Grace was a little girl. 

Christmas this year would surely be festive!

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