Chapter 23

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Grace's POV

The days of my pregnancy were going by fast. I regularly went for ultrasounds, with Chester holding my hand throughout them, because I could only breathe when I knew my baby was okay. I had become a little grumpier than before, with my senses of smell and taste heightened, mixed with food cravings and mixed moods, mostly caused by back pain and feeling like a bloated elephant. Everyday tasks were becoming more and more difficult, which obviously made me moody often.

Sophie was often confused by my behaviour, but I tried my best to be 'normal' and stay in routine with her. It was important that her lifestyle didn't change.

I was becoming slightly more anxious at the prospect of giving birth. What if something happened to the baby when I gave birth? What if something happened to both of us? The list of things which could go wrong was endless and it kept me up at night.

One night, I paced up and down the kitchen, unable to sleep. I felt ridiculously anxious and frustrated with being pregnant and scared about giving birth.

I saw a light flicker on and Chester walked in, his eyes still half-closed.

"Babe, why are you up?" He frowned at me.

"Just thinking." I muttered, nibbling at my nails anxiously.

"About?" He pried for information. I couldn't take it anymore. I buried my head in my hands and cried. "Don't cry, Gracie. What's wrong?" He rubbed my back in circles, trying his hardest to console me, but my big baby bump was in the way.

"This is why. I can't do anything anymore. This baby is getting in the way of everything and I feel gross all the time and I lash out at Sophie.." My voice trailed as tears dribbled down my face. "And what if something happens during the birth? I'm scared, Chester."

"Don't be scared. I know it's a scary process and it must be so annoying at times, but just think of when we get to hold that little baby in our arms and bring him or her home for the first time. It's going to be amazing" Chester really had a way with words. He always knew exactly what to say.

"Cheeseball," I murmured before I kissed him.

Chester's POV

I arrived home from picking Sophie up from kindergarten to find Hannah, Ingrid Mamrie and Grace sitting on the couch and giggling. Sophie immediately let go of my hand and ran as fast as she could.

She squealed as she jumped up onto the couch and hugged each one of her aunts.

"Hey there, little peanut." Mamrie smiled and Hannah smoothed Sophie's hair. Ingrid lifted Sophie up onto her own lap and pretended to guard her from Hannah and Mamrie.

"Don't I get a hug?" Grace feigned sorrow by wiping away imaginary tears. Sophie climbed up onto her lap and hugged Grace, over the growing baby bump. Grace propped Sophie on her lap and eased her boots off her feet and unbuttoned her coat. I went over and kissed Grace on her forehead

"Hey Chester." Mamrie smiled, finally acknowledging me, carrying Sophie's backpack and lunch.

"Nice bag you've got there." Hannah teased and I laughed.

"So, how are you ladies?" I sat down on the couch.

"Great, thanks." Mamrie pulled a face at Sophie as she spoke.

"I'm not great. I'm terrible." Grace sighed.

"What's the problem, Smellbig?" Hannah asked and Grace smiled at the familiar nickname.

"I just want to have this baby already. I'm sick and tired of being pregnant." She groaned.

Sophie nodded in agreement, "I can't cuddle you properly anymore. You're too round. And you always get grumpy"

Sophie got off her mom's lap and moved to sit with the three ladies and we all chuckled at the little girl.

"Well, it's not long until then. Only two months left." I was also very excited to meet our new addition.

"So do you know the gender of the baby?" Ingrid asked enthusiastically, gently running her fingers through Sophie's hair.

"Nope. We want it to be a surprise." Grace grinned suspiciously and wiggled her eyebrows.

"What do you want it to be?" Mamrie asked.

"A happy, healthy baby. Gender doesn't matter, I just want it out of me." Grace laughed and I chuckled too.

"I want a girl." Sophie looked very serious and focused on the thought of a little sister.

"I'm going to guess it's a boy." Hannah scratched her head inquisitivey.

"I second that notion," I agreed.

"Okay, Hannah, Chester, let's bet on it. I vote girl." Mamrie held out her hand for Hannah to shake, which she accepted.

"Only you guys would ever bet on an unborn baby." Ingrid giggled. "Oh, by the way, I'm putting my money on a girl." 

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