Chapter 12

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Grace's POV

I've always thought that maybe people were magnetic. It was the only reasonable explanation for why we were drawn to some things and not others.

I felt that magnetic connection to the little girl at the orphanage. She was speaking very softly to her Olaf toy, cradling it in her tiny arms. Her back faced us, and her dark brown hair, slightly wavy just like mine was when I was younger, rested just below her shoulders.

She swivelled around and looked at me with her grey-blue eyes. Although this little girl was completely unrelated to me, she looked just like me. It was frightening.

"Grace, Chester, this is Sophie. She's four years old." Melissa had an even sweeter voice when she spoke around children.

Sophie blushed and held her Olaf toy to her chest.

"Hi Sophie." I smiled and sat down on the floor, so I wouldn't seem quite as intimidating. I looked back up at Chester, who looked surprised at my behaviour towards Sophie. I generally stayed my distance from kids.

"Hello." Sophie's little voice was almost a whisper. She was clearly very shy, and that made me like her even more.

"Do you like Frozen?" I asked and looked at the Olaf toy. She nodded eagerly.

"It's our favourite too." Chester grinned and he sat down beside me.

"You're so good at taking care of Olaf. Is he a present?" I asked, trying to gain her interest.

"I got him for Christmas." Sophie spoke softly as she stroked her toy. I expected her to speak in a babyish fashion, but she spoke intelligently in her sweet little voice. "Because I was a good girl." She continued.

"Wow! You must've behaved so well to get such a cool present, huh?" I grinned at her innocence. That was always something I've loved about little kids. They're so honest and innocent. She blushed and hid her face with her toy.

I looked up at Melissa. She looked impressed. She knelt down to whisper in my ear. "Would you like to set up some visits with her?" I nodded eagerly.

"Hey Sophie, do you think you'd like to visit Grace and Chester sometime? Would you like that?" Melissa tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

Sophie nodded politely. I looked over at Chester, who was grinning like the Chesire cat.

"We can't wait to see you again!" Chester said as the two of us stood up again. She looked slightly saddened that we were leaving so soon, but reassured that we would return at some point.

"Bye Sophie. See you soon." I smiled and she waved at me, making Olaf wave too. She was too adorable for words.

Chester's POV

I had never seen Grace so infatuated with such a little person. She clearly made a connection with little Sophie, and rightly so, because she was such a sweet child and I had taken a real liking to her.

When we returned home, all Grace could talk about was Sophie. It was as if she had received a new toy and that was all she cared about.

"She was just so sweet and polite! I have a feeling she'd really fit in around here." Grace had talked non-stop since we had arrived.

"She would." I smiled. "You know, she looks like you. I don't know how, but she does."

"Isn't it bizarre?" Grace was so enthusiastic that she was almost screaming. "It's like the universe is telling us that she belongs with us."

"Now who's the cheeseball?" I taunted. "I'm glad you're finally as excited as I am."

"This is the best feeling in the world. I'm so glad that we're getting to experience it together." Grace hugged me forcefully.

"Sorry," I pushed her away from me and laughed. "No time for hugs. We have to baby-proof the house for her visit tomorrow."

"She's not a baby though?" Grace tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes, but she's very little and there are still dangerous things around the house that could hurt her. We have to make sure everything is going to work out."

"Fine." Grace sighed. All she wanted was for Sophie to be with us.

Two tedious and tiring hours of covering outlets and cello-taping sharp corners later, we collapsed on the couch in an exhausted heap. Goose was having a grand time, chasing us around the house as we worked.

"We make a great duo." I reached out for a high five which Grace limply reciprocated.

"I can't wait until we make a great trio." Grace sighed contentedly. 

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