Chapter 18

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Chester's POV

I ran around the garden, with Sophie shrieking with delight on my shoulders and Goose closely following. I had to keep my mind off of Grace's possible pregnancy, so I occupied my time with some of the little creatures I loved. My dog and my little girl. I was content with what I had, but it would be nice for Sophie to have a sibling. I reminded myself not to get my hopes up, based on our fertility problems.

When Grace walked to the sliding door, she looked anxious and bit her lip. I looked over at her and stopped running and stood in one spot, trying to catch my breath. She slowly nodded as a little smile covered her anxious expression. I could only imagine what my face looked like, because on the inside, my heart was bursting with excitement. I raced in, with Sophie still riding my shoulders like a horse. She thought we were still playing a game and laughed as I hugged Grace and kissed her passionately.

"Gross!" She yelled and gently nudged my ear with her knee as an indication to stop. Grace and I chuckled as I put her down.

"I can't believe it, Gracie." I held her close to me, lifting her off the ground momentarily. Grace gasped slightly at being unexpectedly lifted.

"One month." She said, looking down at the slight bump, which looked like maybe she ate a little bit too much for lunch, but was actually a growing life.

I peered at Sophie, who was petting Goose. I lifted her up into my arms and poked her little nose. "I think we should go out for a special lunch." I winked at Grace. "What do you think?"

"Okay!" Sophie giggled, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Babe, can we invite Mamrie and Hannah?" Grace asked. I was overjoyed to see how far she had come. When we first started trying for a baby, she went to Hannah and Mamrie because she couldn't handle having a baby, now she was inviting them to celebrate.

"Of course. The more the merrier, right Soph?" My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but I couldn't contain myself.

"Yeah! I love Aunt Mames and Hannah." Sophie chimed in on our excitement, but she looked slightly confused.

If you had told me that a few months after trying to have my own baby, I would have a 4 year old and a baby on the way, I would've been slightly confused too.

Grace's POV

Mamrie, Hannah, Chester, Sophie and I sat down for drinks and a light meal in a small, but busy restaurant. Chester and I were glowing with joy, but our three loved ones looked suspicious, but still happy to be gathered together at a place with good food and service.

"Can I get one of those?" Sophie's eyes widened when she saw a waiter walking past with a milkshake on a tray.

"Can she, Grace?" Hannah pleaded mockingly, much to Sophie's amusement.

"A milkshake? Sure. It's a special occasion, after all." I chuckled.

"Special occasion, huh, Helbig?" Mamrie gave me suspicious eyebrow twitches from across the table as she stirred her drink with her straw. "Care to tell us what that special occasion is?"

I blushed slightly and looked at Chester, who looked equally bashful.

"Oh god. Is the little peanut getting married already?" Hannah tickled Sophie under her chin. Little peanut. That was Hannah and Mamrie's pet name for Sophie that made me giggle every time I heard it.

"Nope. Relationships are forbidden, right Sophie?" Mamrie teased as she pulled the little girl into a side hug.

"You two are ridiculous." I couldn't help but laugh at my friends' interactions with my child. "I think it would be better if Chester told you. I'll probably just fuck it up."

"No bad words!" Sophie scolded, making our entire table laugh.

"I've got the best godchild in the world." Mamrie smirked.

"Well, we have some news for you..." Chester paused for suspense. "Grace is pregnant."

"Seriously? Congrats, you guys! I'm so happy for you!" Hannah was almost bouncing in her seat. She and Mamrie were already too excited. This is why they're my best friends in whole wide world.

"I can't believe it! Oh I can't wait!" Mamrie squealed. The only one who hadn't reacted yet, was Sophie. Chester and I looked intently at her. She frowned slightly, looking at Hannah and Mamrie, who were clearly overjoyed and then back at Chester and I, who were smiling too.

"What's pregnant?" She had a puzzled expression. I smiled warmly.

"It's when a mommy has a baby in her stomach." Chester gently informed her. "It grows inside her stomach until it comes out."

Sophie looked amazed. She got up out of her seat and stood next to my chair, staring at my stomach. "There's a baby in there?" She gasped, pointing at my relatively flat, but slightly swollen abdomen.

"There is." I smiled. "The baby's still growing." I hoisted her up onto my lap and she positioned herself to face me.

"How did it get there?" She asked innocently.

"Woah, slow down there, little peanut!" Mamrie laughed. "We'll learn about that when you're older."

Chester's POV

The next day was just like any other day, except we knew Grace was pregnant. It helped me see the positive in everything. Nothing was going to get me down.

I pulled the car up at Sophie's kindergarten parking lot. Loads of kids were waiting for their parents and I searched for Sophie at the spot where I usually found her, but she wasn't there. I looked through the clusters of children, searching for HER, but no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find her. I walked into the class, but not a soul was there.

Without hesitation, I pulled out my phone and called Grace. "Hey Gracie. Did you, by any chance, pick Sophie up from kindergarten without telling me?"

"No, why?" Grace's voice soothed me slightly, but I was still on edge.

"She's not here. There are hardly any kids left here. They're all being picked up and I can't find her." The panic in my voice rose.

"Calm down. Have you checked the playground? Sometimes she just loses track of time. She's only four." Grace reminded me, but she sounded nervous too.

"Okay, I'll check. I'll call you back." I hung up and dashed around the school. I went to the playground first, but she wasn't there. I went through the elementary school hallways, but she was still nowhere to be found. I even checked the girls' bathroom. 

Sophie was missing.

I dialled Grace again. "I can't find her. I've just searched the whole school."

"Just stay there, I'm on my way. Call the police in the meantime."

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