Chapter 36

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Grace's POV

I had never heard vows as perfect as Chester's for me. I dabbed at my eye with my sleeve before beginning my vows.

"What a tough act to follow!" I giggled slightly and the guests grinned.

"Chester has changed my entire life. Before I met him, I had goals, aspirations and I told myself I didn't want certain things in my life. One of the things I didn't want was marriage. Not once in my entire teenage-hood or college years had I ever dreamed that I would ne standing here, getting married. For all those years, I convinced myself that marriage was a stupid concept, because I didn't believe that anyone would ever love me enough to want to be with me forever." I paused and felt a tear trickle down my face.

"But then Chester came along, and he made me question everything. Suddenly, I felt loved. I felt like maybe someone besides my family and friends loved me and I will never be able to repay him for that feeling. Never. So today, I stand here, married to the man who taught me to love and I could not be any happier."

I slid Chester's ring onto his finger and the two of us were locked in a moment of staring into each other's eyes.

"Kiss!" Mamrie hissed at us, making us giggle.

Chester wrapped his arms around me and kissed me passionately. It was the best kiss I had ever had in my entire life and it felt like it lasted an eternity. When we finally pulled our lips away from each other, I looked across at all the guests, grinning and celebrating us.

The rest of the day was perfect. The meals were superb and everyone chatted to each other, exchanging stories over wine and catching up. Mamrie and Hannah were having a field day with making up puns, and Ingrid would often make a pun, which was heavily rewarded with praise from Hannah. Sophie stayed close to Chester and I, smiling and blushing shyly at everyone who complimented her, but little Charlotte, who was awake and busy in my arms, was the social butterfly. She cooed and gurgled and giggled when we socialised with people and would gladly rest in someone's arms if I had to attend to something.

When the sun slowly slid down the horizon and the moon shone brightly in the sky, the dance floor of the room was lit and upbeat, fun music was played. This made me slightly nervous, because I was scarcely able to dance, but Mamrie happily danced the evening away after having one too many drinks.

The last song of the evening was a slow song, which Chester insisted that I dance to with him. I reluctantly joined the dance floor, where Chester pulled me close to him, until there was no space between us. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"I can't dance, Chester." I smirk.

"Yeah you can. You already knew were to put your arms." He smiled.

"Only because I've been to several awkward middle school dances." I giggled.

"I don't even know how to dance. Just sway." He began swaying, guiding me.

I swayed in time with him, trying to match our movement to the music.

"See? Not that bad, huh?" He mocked.

"Shut up." I flicked him playfully in the ear and he pretended to be hurt. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, still swaying to the music.

"Gracie?" He whispered.


"I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. You and the girls."

"You know what?" I grinned. "I love me too."

"Stealing my jokes, hey?" He said jokingly, but I felt a warm tear fall on my face and saw a compassionate smile.

He really did love me, and I really loved him. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is the end of what I have planned for this particular fan fiction. Now I need your advice on what you would like me to do. I could either do a "part two", carry the story on, but only as one shots or leave it as it is. Please leave your suggestions below :)

Also, thank you so much for reading and voting for my story. I really appreciate it and I hope you've enjoyed everything so far. Don't hesitate to tell me any of your suggestions, comments or criticisms, as I love hearing from you!

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