Chapter 32

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Grace's POV

That weekend, Chester and I arranged a date night. Chester planned the whole date and kept it a surprise, because he claimed he wanted me to be excited. It felt a little weird and superficial to dress up, but I did anyway, because I assumed he would be taking me somewhere fancy or to a restaurant.

As the time for us to leave slowly approached, I showered and started on my hair and make-up. I curled my hair and chose natural, but noticeable make-up, before I slipped into a long-sleeve navy body con dress and black heels. As I did the clasp of my statement necklace, Chester walked into the bathroom, wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and jeans.

"Hey, why so fancy?" He frowned, with a humoured look on his face.

"I thought we were going on a date?" I tilted my head with confusion.

"We are," Chester smirked. "But I think it would be better if you wore something more comfortable."

He walked over and unzipped the back of my dress and took off my necklace, before kissing my temple and walking out.

"Bring something warm. It might get cold and I'm not sharing my jacket." He called out and I giggled.

I changed into a loose fitting black jumper and jeans and grabbed a jacket on my way out of the room. I went into the nursery first, where Charlotte was sound asleep. She had finally developed a regular sleeping pattern, which put me at ease, but she was still a very sociable and mischievous baby when she was awake.

I stroked her soft tufts of hair. Since she was born, it had slowly changed from being dark brown to an ashy blonde colour and I loved how it stuck up after sleeping in her crib. She truly brought me great joy.

I then went into the living room, where Chester and Sophie were on the couch, watching cartoons. Sophie was already washed and in her pyjamas, cuddling with her faithful Olaf toy. I smiled and sat on the other side of her.

"Sophie, will you be alright with Aunt Mames?" I tucked a wisp of her hair behind her ear and she rested her little hand on mine.

"Yeah! I'm a big girl, mommy." She rolled her eyes, making the two of us laugh and I kissed her.

"You are." I smiled. "I love you, big girl."

"I love you too, Mommy. And Daddy." She added and snuggled into Chester.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. It must be Mamrie." Chester opened the door and the redhead came rushing in.

"Sorry I'm late!" Mamrie panted. "Go on your date. I need quality time with my child."

Mamrie looked at Sophie, who giggled at being called her child.

"Thanks for this, Mames. See you later." I waved as Chester and I walked out the door. "Love you, Soph."

We drove for what seemed like the longest time until we reached a rather open field. Chester parked and climbed out of the car and opened my door. He opened the boot and brought out a picnic basket, which he waved in my face.

"Oh god, are we seriously having a picnic in a field at night? What are we? Teens in a dramatic Tumblr photo?" I chuckled and playfully took his hand in mine.

"Shut up, Helbig. It's the thought that counts." Chester led me into the middle of the field.

I looked around in the darkness. A few wildflowers were growing and the field had a great view of the open sky, littered with stars.

"It's pretty, but I feel like several people might've been kidnapped and killed here." I chuckled as we sat down in the long grass.

"It's rated 5 stars on TripAdvisor as the best murder spot." Chester laughed and opened the picnic basket and offered me a strawberry.

"You're becoming more clichè by the second." I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"That's me." He paused and we were in silence for a few seconds. "Don't you think our lives are crazy?"

"What do you mean?" I ate a strawberry as a spoke.

"Well, about a year ago, we were fighting over having a kid, and then we were told you couldn't have kids. Now we've adopted the most amazing little girl and we've actually had a perfect baby of our own, despite our problems. Isn't that crazy?" He breathed quickly, because he had spoken so fast and I grinned.

"It is crazy. It's beyond crazy. A year ago, I thought I never wanted to be a mom and now I'm a stereotypical, overprotective mother of two." I laughed at myself and Chester laughed too.

"You're not stereotypical, though. You're different." I looked at Chester with confusion about this statement.


"You're funny, you're weird, and awkward and so perfect at the same time," Chester stood up and I stood too, but I wasn't sure why we did. "That's why I love you so much. That's why I want you to be mine forever."

Chester got down on one knee and pulled a velvety box out from his pocket, which he opened to reveal a gorgeous, glistening diamond on a plain silver ring. My hands instantly went up to my face in shock and I gasped slightly. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked up at me. I could feel tears welling up in my own eyes.

"So Grace, will you marry me?"

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