Chapter 31

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Grace's POV

Two days. Two days since Chester had left. Mamrie stayed on both nights, helping me with the girls and lending me her shoulder to cry on, but by now, I had cried all my tears and the panic settled in. What if Chester wasn't ever coming back? What about the girls? Would they grow up without a regular fatherly figure? Would I even be able to raise them alone? Did he still love me?

I lay in bed and contemplated the future. I just wanted Chester back. I wanted him to hold me in his arms and tell me he loved me and that everything was alright.

As I lay there, my phone rang on my bedside table. I leapt up and checked the caller ID. It was the call that I was waiting for. Chester's call.

"Chester?" I answered desperately.

"Hey Gracie." He spoke quietly, almost in a whisper.

"Where are you?" I matched his quiet tone.

"I'm in the hospital." He sounded tired and confused.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I began to panic.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I was in a car crash. Nothing serious, just had to get some stitches and they wanted to keep an eye on me overnight." He paused. "The car is beyond repair though.."

"I don't care about the damn car. I'm coming to get you." I reassured him.

"Thanks Grace.. I'm sorry." I could hear how tearful he sounded.

"Me too." I smiled slightly. "See you in a bit."

I hung up the phone and pulled on clothes over my pyjamas. I moved hastily, as if I had a time limit. I just wanted to see Chester again. I walked quickly into the living room, where Mamrie had set up rest for the night on the large couch.

"Mames?" I whispered.

She opened her eyes groggily. "Yeah, Smelbig?

"I'm gonna go pick up Chester." I announced.

"Is everything okay?" Mamrie frowned.

"I think they're going to start being okay. Will you watch the girls for me?" I pleaded.

"Sure, go ahead." She smiled at me.

"Mamrie, you're the best. I can't thank you enough." I gave her a quick hug before dashing out the house and into my car.

Chester's POV

I fiddled with the hospital sheets in a bored fashion. Music played softly throughout the ward as I scratched at the bandage on my forehead, covering the stitches which closed the gashes the crash caused.

I heard quick footsteps coming towards the door and looked up to see Grace, still slightly dishevelled from sleeping, but looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hey stranger." She grinned.

"Grace, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I wasn't thinking I just-" My sentence was stopped as she kissed me.

"God, you need to learn to shut up." She smirked as she pulled away from our kiss. "Let's just forget about it, okay? We all make mistakes."

"Thanks, Gracie." I patted a spot on my bed for her to sit. She sat down and frowned at the bandages and stroked them gently. "I just want you to know that I'm going to be there for you more often. I'm going to be the best dad I can. From today onwards, everything's gonna change."

"I'm sorry about everything that happened. I'll try harder too. I love you, Ches." She paused. "I hope your stitches look like a Harry Potter scar. That would be really great." She giggled.

"Whatever." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Let's go. I'm so sick of this whitewashed prison cell."

I stood up and stretched and Grace started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I raised one eyebrow.

"Just wondering if you plan on leaving like that." She pointed at my backless hospital gown.

"Good point." I chuckled and pulled on my boxers and jeans, which lay next to the bed. As I pulled off the hospital gown, revealing my bare chest, Grace moved towards me and wrapped her arms around my torso, resting her head on my shoulder.

For a minute we didn't move or speak. We just stood there, clinging to each other in the silence.

"Come on," I whispered. "Let's go home."

Grace and I entered through the front door and walked into the living room, where Mamrie sat with Sophie, the two of them laughing away whilst Charlotte lay in Mamrie's arms, chewing on the chain of Mamrie's necklace. 

"Hey girls." I smiled and Sophie turned around and leapt up when she saw me.

"Daddy!" She squealed and ran into my open arms. I lifted her up and gave her a big hug. She looked at me with an overjoyed expression, before frowning and touching the plasters on my face.

"What happened?" She tilted her head.

"I got hurt." I stated.

"I can make it better." She smiled and gently kissed the plasters and giggled.

"Woah, I feel so much better!" I chuckled and kissed the pretty little girl's forehead, before putting her down.

I walked towards Mamrie and carefully gave her a massive hug, avoiding squishing my little baby in her arms. 

"Thank you for taking care of my girls. Grace included." I whispered and Mamrie grinned.

"Next time, I'm charging for my services." She smirked.

Finally, I moved over to the tiny baby. I gently lifted her into my arms and marvelled at her little face. She was an exact replica of Grace. Just as beautiful as her.

"Hey, Charlotte." I spoke softly and stroked her hair. "I hope you know that from now on, I'm gonna be an even better dad. I promise you that." 

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