Chapter 14

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Grace's POV

Since the first visit, we had regular visits with Sophie, at least 3 times a week for 2 weeks. All Chester and I could talk about was this kid and how alive she made us feel. She brought back nostalgic memories and it felt like we were little again. Our friends and family were extremely happy for us, especially Mamrie and Hannah, who texted back and forth, asking for pictures and details of every visit, excited for when they would meet the little poppet.

Chester and I had properly set up the guest room to accommodate Sophie, because that day, she would be coming for her first overnight weekend visit. We decorated the room with small Frozen trinkets that we could find, just to please Sophie. We wanted her to feel comfortable staying here. I had even gone through the trouble of finding a bed with panels so she wouldn't fall out and some toys, so that she wouldn't get bored.

"Right. I think we're all set to go and pick her up. Are you ready?" Chester poked his head around the door of the guest bedroom, which I had just neatened up slightly.

"Yep, let's go." I walked towards him and kissed him passionately.

"I'm really glad you asked for a a baby," I paused. "Because otherwise, we would've never met this little girl who's turned our live's upside down."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Helbig." Chester mockingly nudged me.

When we arrived at the adoption agency, Sophie was already in the waiting room, bouncing with anticipation in her seat. She had her backpack filled with her pyjamas and toiletries and was ready to go.

As we entered the room, Sophie ran at full speed into me.

"Hey," I stroked her soft, chestnut brown hair as she held onto me.

"You took so long!" She loosened her grip on me and gave us an exasperated look before hugging Chester's leg. Chester and I chortled at the dramatic 4 year old.

"Come on, ladies. Let's hit the road!" Chester dramatically signalled to the car, which evoked some giggles from Sophie.

Back at home, I opened the front door and Sophie raced in, excited to see our house for the first time. As she entered, Goose came charging at her and she screamed and hid behind Chester.

"Don't worry. Goose won't hurt you." Chester bent down to her level and lured Goose over. "See? Try petting her."

Sophie reluctantly patted Goose's head, to which the dog responded by wagging her tail. Sophie smiled. "She's silly."

"She's a very silly dog." I agreed. "Shall we go see the room you'll be staying in?"

"Ooh, yes please!" Sophie jumped up and followed me closely, with Chester behind the two of us. As I opened the guest bedroom, Sophie gasped and comically held her hands up to her face, as she gaped at the room, which was decorated with toys and Frozen decor.

'It's absolutely perfect!" She squealed with delight. "Thank you so much." The tiny girl ran into Chester and I with a forceful hug.

"I'm glad you like it. We did it specially for you." Chester smiled and Sophie hugged him again, as he lifted her up.

Chester's POV

We danced the afternoon away, singing to Frozen songs, despite Grace's hatred of musicals. She had a childlike-blissful glow in her eyes. She was truly alive and so was I. I had always thought she was perfect, but now, she was beyond perfect.

After we had watched Frozen, as a request from Sophie, and eaten our supper, we sat on the couch with her. She was already in her pyjamas and sleepily rubbing her eyes, snuggled in-between us. It felt like we'd had Sophie since she was a baby. We were already so close to her.

"Someone's getting sleepy," I taunted, tickling Sophie, which she answered with a tired giggle.

"Let's get you into bed, missy. It's getting late." Grace stood up and pulled a silly face at her. "Come on."

"But I'm not tired yet!" Sophie sighed and waved her arms around as she spoke.

"What a little liar!" I laughed. "Don't worry, we'll have more fun tomorrow."

"Promise?" Sophie held out two pinkies, one for me and one for Grace.

"Promise." I assured her, locking my pinkie in with hers. Grace did the same, before she playfully scooped Sophie, who giggled hysterically, up into her arms and carried her to bed.

The three of us bounded into the room and Grace tucked Sophie into the bed, fluffing her pillows and neatly tucking the duvet around her tiny frame. Grace and I leaned over either side of the bed and smiled at the silly, sleepy girl.

"Goodnight." She whispered as she sat upright and kissed both of us on the cheek. I was extremely surprised by the sudden affection, but it made me smile. That was when I knew she really was happy with us.

"Night, Soph." We called in unison, as Grace was grinning from ear to ear. We left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

"Gracie, she loves us. She really does." I whispered when we were out of earshot of the bedroom. I pulled Grace towards me, placing one hand in the small of her back and tucking her short, soft hair behind her ear with the other.

"I can't wait until she's all ours." She wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed passionately. When we finally broke away, we were gasping for air.

"I'm so glad you're mine, Ches." Grace giggled.

"I'm so glad I'm mine too!" I teased.

"What a dick." She rolled her eyes, but stayed locked in my arms.

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