Chapter 35

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Grace's POV

Today was the day, and it was finally time. I was already in my dress, with my hair curled and natural, yet beautiful make-up done by Ingrid and I had never felt more beautiful in my entire life. I stood in front of the full length mirror of the dressing room at the hotel where our wedding was, and studied myself. Despite how I usually didn't like being too girly, I felt like a princess and I wasn't going to deny it.

Sophie came running into the room, dressed in her gold and white flower girl dress and carrying a little basket of petals.

"Mommy, I get to go out soon!" She shrieked and flapped her hands in excitement.

"Are you ready?" I smiled and bent down to look her in the eyes.

She nodded excitedly and I chuckled whilst I readjusted the slowly slipping flower crown which adorned her head and was neatly framed around her brown curls.

"You're beautiful. Did you know that?" I cupped her little chin in my palm. She blushed and smiled at me.

My mom stood at the doorway and smiled. Tears visibly welled up in her eyes as she watched us. As a single tear wobbled down her cheek, Sophie looked at her.

"Why does everyone cry when something good happens?" Sophie sighed and threw her arms to her side, making all of us chuckle. She ran out of the room in frustration.

"That kid." My mom sighed contentedly, before starting to sob.

"Woah, what's going on?" I walked over to her and touched her arm in an attempt to comfort her.

"Because you're getting married." She stuttered between sobs whilst I stroked her arm.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I smirked slightly.

"You're grown-up."

"I've been grown-up for quite some time now." I giggled.

"I mean, you've come so far in life. You're perfect." She looked me up and down. "I remember when you were Sophie's age. You were the worst behaved little girl ever."

"Hey!" I cried out and nudged her with my elbow.

"You were, but you stole my heart. You were my only girl and I remember how energetic you were. My favourite time of the day was when I was read to you to get you to fall asleep, and you would fall asleep with your little hand clasping my fingers."

I could feel tears pricking in my eyes. I was shocked at how my emotionally repressive family was opening up to me all of a sudden and it touched me. I reached out and hugged my mom, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"I love you, Gracie. You'll always be my little girl." My mom whispered.

"I love you too, Mom." I smiled.

Chester's POV

I stood at the front of the reception room. It was just me, standing all by myself, because we had decided we didn't want a traditional wedding with a priest. We would be saying our own vows, because it felt more personal. All the guests were seated, smiling and chatting amongst themselves.

Suddenly, music began to play. I wasn't even aware that it was one of my songs, because at that moment, I was focused on the eager, grinning faces of Hannah, Ingrid and my groomsmen. Ingrid was dressed in a champagne coloured dress and Hannah in a well tailored suit. I couldn't stop myself from grinning at them. As they reached the end of the aisle, they stopped at their spots on my left and right.

Next, Mamrie, the maid of honour, came down the aisle, dressed in a similarly coloured dress to Ingrid's and carrying a bouquet of flowers. As she took her place next to Hannah, she nudged my arm and winked goofily at me.

I felt an overwhelmingly warm sensation of comfort and joy when Theresa came in, holding Charlotte in her arms with Sophie by her side, excitedly throwing petals in any direction she desired. Her elated expression was priceless and spread my smile from ear to ear.

Sophie stood near me and looked up at me with her big, glistening blue eyes and smiled. I smiled back and she reached for my hand and squeezed my fingers with her tiny little fist, as if she was wishing me luck. She had emotional understanding far beyond her years. She read me like a book.

Grace entered the room and I was instantly breathless. It was my first time seeing her dress and I was stunned. She looked gorgeous. Everything about her was perfect, as she slowly glided down the aisle, linking arms with her father, who looked extremely proud. The entire room was deadly silent, except for the music playing in the background which everyone tuned out because their vision was fixated on Grace.

She stood next to me and looked deep into my eyes. Her face glowed with joy and I couldn't help but reflect her big grin

We looked over at Theresa, who held Charlotte, who had the rings on a little pillow that she nonchalantly chewed on. She quickly pried the rings off of the pillow and handed them to us. I gave her a thankful look, before glancing at our baby girl, who gurgled happily. The sight of the gorgeous little baby made me even happier, which I had no idea was possible.

I turned Grace's ring over in my hand, before looked into her eyes and sliding the ring on her finger, before turning to the rest of the guests to say my vows.

"I must say that I really struggled to write these vows." I paused as everyone laughed. "It's difficult to write about someone like Grace, because she's so perfect I just want to write a book about her, but I think the cake will be off by the time I finish, so I have written the shortest and best vows I possibly can for the world's most beautiful woman.

Grace, I consider these vows to be a privilege and not a promise. It is a privilege that I get to be yours and I get to have you. I'm privileged enough to have two daughters with you, to watch you laugh, cry and smile throughout your life. To have been there through the good and the bad times and I'm privileged enough to be there for the rest of them. But mostly, I'm privileged enough to love you and know that you love me too." 

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