Chapter 19

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Chester's POV

When I got out of my car, I spotted Grace who had just gotten off the phone with the local police department.

"They can't help us. It has to be 24 hours before you are able to file a missing person's report." She had tears in her eyes. I had to be the rock in the situation. Strong, sturdy, reliable.

"It's okay. Calm down. Let's just think logically. Where would she be, if not at school?" I rubbed Grace's back in circles. "She doesn't know how to get very far. She's tiny anyway. If we search the area, I'm sure we'll find her. We just have to be quick."

"Okay." Grace sniffed. "Get in your car and we'll go separate ways to find her."

We got in our cars and drove around the area, looking absolutely everywhere. A dark, horrible voice in my head couldn't help but tell me that this was my fault and that she might be kidnapped or even dead. Tears formed in my eyes, but I blinked them away and carried on searching. I stopped my car opposite a park and banged my head on the steering wheel. Where was Sophie?

I looked around, surveying the area, when something white caught my eye. It was white and looked slightly fluffy. It moved once, but I couldn't see what it was because of the hedge in the way. I felt obliged to go to it. I got out of my car and locked it behind me.

As I got closer to it, I realised it wasn't real, it was some sort of toy. An Olaf toy.

I ran towards it and gasped with relief as I saw my saddened little girl, with tears running down her face, clutching her toy. She looked up at me with big, sorrowful eyes.

"Sophie!" I cried out and scooped her up into my arms, holding her as close as I could. I pressed my lips to her cheek and held them there, just taking in the fact that she was okay. She sobbed into my shoulder, breathing fast and heavily.

I pulled out my phone and messaged Grace with one hand.

Me: I've found her. She's okay. Bringing her home soon

I carried her to the car, where I sat in the driver's seat with her on my lap.

I comforted Sophie by stroking her hair and rubbing her back until she finally calmed down and nuzzled into my neck.

"What's wrong, my little peanut?" I spoke, feeling sad to see the usually happy girl like this.

"You're getting rid of me." She whispered, which brought out a few more sobs. I was surprised by the answer.

"No we're not! Grace and I love you to pieces. Why would you think we're getting rid of you?" I tilted her chin towards me and wiped tears off of her face.

"Because of the new baby." She fiddled with the pocket of the shirt I had on, avoiding eye contact just like Grace had always done when she felt awkward.

"Aw, Sophie. We wont love you any less. You'll have a sibling that you get to play with, and be a good big sister to. I promise I'll love you just as much as I love the baby." I assured her.

"Promise?" She smiled slightly and held out her pinky.

"Promise." I locked my pinky with hers.

Grace's POV

When I heard the front door open, I ran to find Chester, with Sophie, fast asleep with her head on Chester's shoulder. I stroked her little cheek and looked at Chester

"Where was she? What happened?" I pleaded for information, even though I was mostly just relieved that she was home with us again.

"She found her way to the park, because she thought we would abandon her, since we're having a baby." Chester gave a small, sad smile.

"Poor poppet. She must be so confused." I looked at her lovingly. "We'll just have to pay some special attention to her and make sure she doesn't get lost in all this new baby stuff." Chester nodded at my comment.

"Here, I'll put her in her bed." I took Sophie from Chester, which he gratefully accepted.

I carried her to her room and gently changed her out of her clothes and into her pyjamas, trying my hardest not to wake her. I tucked her into bed and kissed her on the cheek. As I walked out of the room, I heard her whisper.

"Mommy," Her voice was groggy with sleep. I was startled by the sudden use of the word. She had never called me that before, but for some reason, it made me feel complete.

"Yes, Soph?" I whispered, my heart aching with love for the little girl.

"I love you. And Daddy." She called out.

"You know what? We love you way more." I smiled and closed the door slightly as I left the room.

I couldn't contain my excitement. I ran to Chester, straight into his arms.

"Babe, she called us Mommy and Daddy." I gave him an excited smile.

"Well, that's what we are, isn't it?" He smirked and kissed me.

I guess that is what we were. We were parents now. Parents to the girl who had captured our hearts, and parents to the little one growing inside of me. The word "mommy". That's who I was.

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