Chapter 10

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Grace's POV

I woke up extra early that morning. I managed to untangle myself from Chester and slowly get out of bed. I pulled on a sweatshirt and gathered my hair into a messy bun and went into the kitchen.

My mom was happily making a huge breakfast, way too big for the four of us, and doing a little jig as she went along. I giggled slightly and she jumped with fright when she heard me.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She gasped.

"Sorry, mom" I smiled and started laying the table for her, setting 4 places with plates, knives and forks.

"Thanks for the help." She put the eggs on bacon on the plates and switched on the kettle for coffee. "So, why are you visiting?"

"Mom!" I cried and she guiltily smiled. "Don't you want me to visit?"

"Of course I want you to visit! If I had any control, I'd make you live here in New Jersey," She was clearly hinting that we should move up here. "But I just wanted to know why you came at such an unexpected time. I usually only see you at Christmas."

"Yeah, I guess. I just wanted to talk about something with you, face to face." I perfected the positioning of the cutlery as I spoke.

"Grace, are you pregnant?" My mom's eyes widened.

"No," I sighed. "But that's partially why we're here." I paused, but my mom clearly wanted me to continue. "We found out that I'm extremely infertile, after we had been trying for a baby," I took a deep breath, "So we're considering adopting and I wanted your opinion and advice."

"I might be a grandma?" Her excitement grew and I nodded. "Oh my gosh! My little Gracie might be a mom!"

"Shh.. Chester's still asleep." I chuckled. "We haven't confirmed anything yet. We still need to find an adoption caseworker, get approval, and more importantly, find a child to adopt."

"I know, I know. I'm just excited for you two." She squealed.

"Just don't get your hopes up. Over the past few months, I've learnt not to do that." I whispered to myself. My mom clearly didn't hear anything over the kettle, because she joyfully continued making the coffee. Her joy was contagious and she always had so much of it.

I sincerely hoped I would be as great of a mother as her.

Chester's POV

We were at the airport again. Our three days in New Jersey, consisting of contacting an adoption agency, lot's of background research and filling out forms, had flown by.

"Don't forget to call me if you need any help with anything, and I mean anything." Theresa held Grace at arm's length, just before we went through the boarding gates.

"Okay, mom. Thanks for everything." Grace kissed her mom on the cheek and waved goodbye to her stepdad as we walked towards our plane. I gave a small wave too, but my hands were rather full with Grace and I's luggage.

When we took off, Grace was a lot less anxious. I think seeing her family really made her feel special and more confident. The two of us enjoyed the overnight flight and slept peacefully, with me leaning against the window and Grace using my arm as her pillow.

Finally, when we were at home early the next morning and Goose was back from the kennel, we felt settled.

"What time are we meeting our caseworker today?" I was unpacking my bag whilst Grace checked her calendar on her phone.

"In about 2 hours, so that gives us just enough time to freshen up and get going." She answered. "So I'm gonna go shower and get dressed."

"Okay, great." I playfully swatted her away, into the bathroom and she shrieked and ran away. I shook my head and sighed. She was the best girl in the world.

Goose came charging into the room and fawned at my ankles.

"Did you miss me, Goosie?" I grinned and rubbed her around her ears, and she wagged her tail to express her joy. She flopped over and lay on her back, which indicated that I should rub her belly.

"You know, Goose. You might be getting a new playmate very soon." The dog was oblivious to the fact that I was even talking to her, but I continued anyway. "I really hope you will.

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