Chapter 34

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Grace's POV

The day before the wedding. A crazy, nerve-racking day. Everyone was flying in from New Jersey, friends were getting together and everything was in full swing. That night, I found myself, Sophie, and Charlotte at Mamrie's house with Hannah, because they convinced me that the bride and groom should only see each other on the wedding day, because it was "bad luck".

Mamrie's house was an utter mess, as a result of wedding preparation. All our dresses, make-up and flowers were scattered on her couch, floor and tables. I flopped down amongst the bridal bouquets, after I had put Sophie to bed and managed to rock and soothe Charlotte to sleep, after a small crying fit.

Mamrie walked in with a bowl of chips and guacamole and Hannah followed directly after her. They sat down next to me, moving all the wedding paraphernalia out of the way.

"I know you have to fit into your wedding dress and all, but we decided snacks won't do anything to your model body." Mamrie rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Thanks, guys." I smiled tiredly as I ate a chip.

"So are you excited?" Hannah beamed.

"I'm really excited," I paused "But I'm pretty nervous too."

"Why nervous?" Mamrie's brow furrowed into a small frown.

"Just because I'm getting married. As a kid I always convinced myself I would never get married. I don't seem like marrying type." I shrugged the comments off, as I usually did when I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Well when I was a kid, I didn't know I was gay," Hannah laughed at her own joke, which made Mamrie and I laugh. "Now I'm gay, and you're getting married! Things change, Helbig."

"For fuck's sake, a year ago you didn't think you were the maternal type and you cringed around kids, but now look at you. You have two children and you're living the suburban dream." Mamrie made fancy gestures with her hands in her usual dramatic fashion.

I elbowed Mamrie. "Shut up. I'm not living the suburban dream. Not until I make my kids do dance and become a Dance Mom." I smirked.

"Yeah, put Sophie in a nude leotard and make her dance in a misunderstood music video with Shia LeBouf." Hannah laughed.

Those two never failed to make me laugh. They reaffirmed everything I was ever unsure of. I have no idea where I would be without them.

Chester's POV

I sat at the kitchen table in the dark silence. It was the very early hours of the morning and my groomsmen were all asleep, scattered on various couches and beds. I frantically scribbled on a piece of paper, checking the clock every few minutes.

Sometimes, I hated my brain, because it didn't cooperate. The numerous times I sat down at planned hours of the day to write my vows, nothing would come to my mind, but then, at 3:00am on the morning of my wedding, I scrapped the vows I had already written and taken a whole new spin on them.

The previous vows I had written were cheesy and cliche. I had decided whilst I lay in bed, sleepless with excitement and anticipation, that Grace didn't deserve cheesy or cliche. She was special. A one of a kind person who was entitled to one of a kind vows and a one of a kind life. One that I would provide for her.

Grace, and my two little girls. They were my world, and they deserved nothing less than the world.

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