Chapter 16

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Grace's POV

Our 3 months of approval had passed. Chester and I found ourselves in the same office we had visited before we met Sophie. I fiddled anxiously with my hands, as I usually did, whilst Chester tapping his foot rapidly and rhythmically. Thankfully, Melissa, our caseworker, walked in with a stack of documents.

"Good to see you again, Miss Helbig and Mr See." Melissa smiled warmly as she held out a hand to Chester, which he shook before she reached out to me.

"Good to see you too." I returned an anxious smile, which she seemed to have noticed.

"Okay. Well, after the house visit a few days ago, assessing your finances and police records, it seems that you two will be fit parents for little Sophie." She looked up at the two of us, who sighed a breath of relief and clutched each others hands with excitement.

"If you would just sign the following documents, you'll be her legal guardians and you'll be able to take her home permanently." Chester and I didn't hesitate to sign the documents. We signed them faster than I could process.

As we stood up to shake Melissa's hand again, I drew her into a big, friendly hug, which was very unnatural for me, as I was not very affectionate and hated human touch, but I was so overwhelmed at the time that I couldn't resist. "Thank you," I whispered, tears of joy forming in my eyes.

"You're more than welcome, Miss Helbig. We look forward to hearing from you again." Melissa waved as we walked into the front office and spoke to secretary.

The secretary took one look at me, joyfully crying into Chester's shoulder and picked up the phone. "I'll call your little one for you." She smiled as she spoke into the phone and Chester nodded gratefully.

"Gracie, I'm so happy." Chester said as he held my face in his hands and wiped away stray tears.

"Me too." I giggled. "Ches, we're gonna be the best fucking parents ever."

Just at that moment Sophie came in, visibly struggling to pull a little plastic suitcase on wheels with a big pink bow on it. It must've been her little going away present. She tugged the suitcase to where we were standing and looked up at me with a confused expression.

"Why are you crying?" She frowned.

"Because I'm really, really happy, Soph." I scooped her up into my arms and held her close. She nuzzled her head into my shoulder and I felt her sigh into me, as if she was taking in my scent and trying to never forget it. Chester smiled and joined our cuddle. We were finally a proper family

That evening when Sophie was safely tucked into bed, after a story and lots of kisses, Chester and I were alone in our room. He turned to me with a passionate look in his eye and suddenly, but gently kissed me. The gentle kissing, quickly developed further, leaving us breathless and bare under the sheets.. Luckily, our door was closed and locked...

Chester's POV

Life was great. Grace and I had quickly slipped into routine with Sophie. Everyday was the same, picking her up from kindergarten, talking about her day, making lunch, filming videos, which we had not yet included Sophie in, but she would accidentally slip into videos, supper, bath time and then she was tucked up in bed, ready for a story from the both of us. I had always guessed that the day I followed a routine, my life would become boring, but our little routine with Sophie was everything but boring to me. Although we always did the same things, it was different was Sophie because she was so unpredictable and special.

We couldn't even stop talking about her. Hannah and Mamrie had been by a few times to see her, but we hadn't properly gone out with them and Sophie. Obviously Grace's parents hadn't met our little girl yet, but we regularly sent pictures and would see them at the fast approaching Christmas this year.

Sophie had brought an ordinary, suburban parenting lifestyle to us, but it was anything but that in our eyes, because we had been blinded by her brilliance, and the way she could light up a room just with her smile, still containing her little milk teeth.

One day, our routine was halted in it's tracks. I woke up on a lazy Sunday morning to hear Grace vomiting profusely in our en-suite bathroom. I ran in, despite my hatred of vomit, and made soft circular motions with my hands on her back and held her hair out of her face. When she finally stopped, I filled a glass with some water and handed it to her.

"What was that all about, babe?" I frowned with concern as she splashed her face with water and dabbed at it with a clean towel.

"Ches, this isn't the first time this has happened.. I think I might be pregnant." She whispered and my eyes widened at the information.

"I'll go to the store." I said, already walking out of the bathroom.

"Why?" Grace raised an eyebrow.

"Pregnancy test, dumb dumb." I smiled, unable to contain my excitement.

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