Chapter 33

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Grace's POV

Two weeks later, we were doing something, which a year ago I would've labelled as far too traditional for Chester and I. We were planning our wedding.

On one particular day, I found myself, Hannah, Mamrie, Ingrid, Sophie and Charlotte at a wedding shop, in search of bridesmaids' dresses and a wedding dress. Hannah, who had already chosen a suit for herself, sat next to Sophie and pushed Charlotte's stroller back and forth whilst watching the rest of us run around like headless chickens.

"Mommy, how come I don't get to pick a dress like everyone else?" Sophie sounded disappointed, but not bratty.

"Because I got you the prettiest dress I could find and you'll get to see it on the wedding day." I reassured her as we continued looking.

Sophie gave a little sigh, but she occupied herself by peeking into the stroller to see her sound asleep baby sister, whilst Mamrie and Ingrid held dresses at arms length and critiqued them, leaving me standing awkwardly in the background, unsure of what to do.

"Grace, this is your wedding dress we're shopping for. You should try some stuff on." Ingrid gently elbowed me in the arm.

"I don't know. This feels kinda weird. I'm not really into the whole girly dress thing." I fiddled with my hands as I spoke.

"Come on, Helbig. Think of it as trying on those bizarre costumes in HeyUSA." Mamrie offered a bundle of dresses

"Fine. I'll try it." I snatched the dress as I giggled slightly and the two women ushered me into the dressing room.

A matter of minutes later, I came out looking like a meringue, drowning in layers and frills with tulle scratching my legs. Hannah burst into a fit of laughter, which brought Mamrie and Ingrid's attention to me and they started laughing too. Sophie looked at me with a sense of wonder.

"You look like a princess!" She exclaimed and ran over to examine the elaborate details of the dress.

"Maybe I should leave big fluffy dresses for princesses. I'm not so sure I like this one, Sophie." I smiled at her, before looking in the mirror and laughing hysterically at the spritz of whipped cream with blonde hair who stared back at me.

"Please can I take a picture?" Mamrie spluttered in between her fits of laughter.

"God, shut up, Mamrie." I laughed and went back into the dressing room.

Four ridiculously unfashionable dresses later, and I still hadn't found anything. Despite our misfortune, we were having a grand time giggling at the dresses I tried on.

"Come on. Let's go. I don't really need a wedding dress do I?"

"Wait. First try this." Ingrid handed me a slim dress. "I think this one would look great on you." She smiled and pushed me off to try it on.

I emerged from the dressing room in the long, slim white dress. It had long, sheer, lacy sleeves with beautiful details, an open back and it fit like a glove. It looked perfect on me. Sure, it wasn't a traditional wedding dress, but we were not traditional people.

"You look stunning." Mamrie's jaw hung on the floor.

"I second that notion, Smelbig." Hannah and Ingrid nodded.

"What do you think, Sophie?" I went over and reached out for her little hand.

"You look perfect, Mommy. You look like Elsa." She looked up at me with a satisfied expression.

"Well then you're my little Olaf." I bent and tapped her nose and she scrunched up her face with a giggle.

Chester's POV

Suit? Check. Invitations? Check. Venue? Check.

Everything was going according to plan, which was so unnatural for Grace and I. Usually, we were disorganised and unsure, but we had hired a wedding planner to help us, since it was rather difficult to plan a wedding on your own, when all your time is devoted to a kindergartener and a baby.

The planner helped us organise a small, simple wedding with only close friends and immediate family, so this meant I had more time to sit down and write my vows.

Writing vows was a lot harder than I had ever anticipated. I either sat for hours at a time, tapping my pencil on a piece of paper or mindlessly typing something on my laptop, before reading and deleting it again.

That afternoon, whilst music played from the radio and I sat down to write my vows, the parade of ladies came waltzing through the doorway.

"We've got bridesmaid dresses!" Mamrie chanted as she shook the dress in it's cover and Ingrid held hers up too.

"And a wedding dress." Grace walked over, holding her dress behind her back, and kissed me.

"Can I see?" I tried peeking behind her back but she swiftly moved the dress away.

"It's a surprise you dumb-dumb" She shoved me gently with a giggle.

Finally, Hannah came in through the doorway, pushing the stroller, closely followed by Sophie. She was huffing and puffing when she closed the door behind her.

"A little help is much appreciated." She frowned comically, making us laugh.

"Sorry, Hannah!" Grace echoed and ran over to help Charlotte out of her stroller.

Sophie came running over and climbed up onto my lap.

"Daddy, it was terrible. We sat there for hours and I didn't get to try on any dresses." Sophie wrapped one arm around my neck and looked at me with her big, glassy eyes.

"Poor princess... I didn't get to try on any dresses either!" I pretended to be upset, which evoked some laughter from her.

"I'd better go put everything away for now." Grace smiled at Sophie and gathered all the dresses, including hers, and went off to our bedroom.

"So Chester, how are the vows coming along?" Ingrid whispered slightly, once Grace was out of earshot.

"Excellently.." My sentence wavered.

"You haven't got anything, have you?" Hannah folded her arms and raised one eyebrow.


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