1. New School

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I walked into the school, my bag on my back. I had wore my black skinny jeans and a grey tee. I took in the crazy scene around me. Girls had tongue and nose piercing. Boys had tattoos. I walked into the office and got my locker number and schedule. As I was walking to my locker, I passed a group of four boys. One locked eyes with me but I looked away. Some girl walked over to me.
"Stay away from my boyfriend," She said in a pissy voice. She pointed to one of the boys in the group.
I nodded and she pushed me into the lockers and I crashed against them and fell.
"Go help her," I heard a boy whisper.
A second later, a boy with blonde hair offered his hand and pulled me up.
"Thanks," I said brushing myself off.
"You're welcome. I'm Patrick, by the way."
I saw he was part of the group of boys and the others walked over. The one who looked emo started talking.
"Sorry about her. She gets jealous. I'm Pete."
I smiled. "Olivia."
The one with medium long brown hair spoke next. "Joe."
Lastly, the one with tattoos down both of his arms spoke. "Andy."
I waved. "Hi."
Patrick smiled. "What class do you have first?"
I looked down at my schedule. "Math."
"Me too! I'll show you where it is."
I looked in my locker and grabbed my new, heavy textbooks and followed Patrick.
Whispers erupted as we entered the classroom. I sat beside Patrick and Andy.
"She could do so much better," I heard someone whisper. I ignored them.
A girl with bright pink hair entered the room and sat beside Patrick.
"Hey, Willow. This is Olivia."
I smiled and waved. "Hey!"
"Nice to meet you," Willow said.
Another girl stepped in. She had long, black hair with a blue streak. She sat behind Andy.
"Hey," She said to Patrick and Andy. She looked at me.
"Hey. I'm Jess. You are..."
She smiled. "Welcome to hell, Olivia."
I laughed and we quieted down as the teacher stepped in. For the rest of school, I hung with the "gang." They invited me to Andy's house for a get together. I agreed of course. I actually made friends on the first day of school.
I walked up the the large wooden door. I knocked on the door and smiled when Andy answered.
"Hey!" He greeted me.
"Hi." I was a little nervous.
He invited me in and we walked out back. Patrick smiled and greeted me. Along with Willow and Jess. Andy sat down in a lawn chair and Jess sat in his lap. He kissed her cheek. I sat beside Patrick and he handed me a glass of lemonade. I smiled and thanked him. I took a sip.
"Oh my God! Its amazing," I told him. He laughed.
"My mom made it," He said. I smiled. Pete sat beside me.
"How are we doing over here," He asked Patrick.
"Shut up," Patrick said.
"Just know your mom is watching."
Pete left and I blushed.
"Sorry," Patrick said.
"Its okay. So. How old are you," I asked him.
"Seventeen. You?"
"Same. Can I nickname you? Your name is long compared to everyone else's."
He laughed and nodded. "Sure."
"How about... Pat?"
He nodded. "It fits."
I laughed and drank more of the lemonade.
"Thanks for helping me at school. It was nice," I said.
He blushed. "It was nothing."
"I actually have a group of friends on the first day of school."
Pat laughed. "Yeah."
Andy sat beside me. "How are you two?"
"Good?" Pat and I said slowly.
"Thanks for inviting me," I told him.
He patted my shoulder. "Its all for 'Pat.'" I frowned when he walked away.
"Care to explain," I asked Pat.
"Nope," Was all he said.

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