27. Desperation

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Olivia's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed. I tried to sit up, but winced when unbearable pain overwhelmed me. I laid back down and saw my wrists were wrapped up. I remembered what I did. I began to cry.
"Why would I do that," I whispered.
Someone walked in and I looked up to see a doctor followed by my mom. And Pat.

Patrick's POV
I walked in the hospital room and watched as Liv's eyes went from the doctor, to her mom, then me. She gasped and shook her head. I knew what she did was because of me. Both of were now crying silent tears. I walked to her and grabbed her cold and fragile hand. She looked at our hands then me. She sniffled.
"I'm sorry," I whispered to her. "I'm so f*cking sorry. I will never, ever leave you again. Ever."
She broke down in tears and pulled me into a hug. She cried on my shoulder as I held her.
"I'm sorry too, Pat. I shouldn't have did this. I wasn't in my right mind."
I pulled back and kissed her cheek. The doctor asked for me and Mrs. Harrison to leave and Liv's heart rate picked up.
"I'm just going outside. Right outside."
I kissed her cheek and walked out. I was disturbed by what I've don't to her. She was completely terrified that I was going to leave her.

Twenty-five hours later Olivia's POV
I was let out of the hospital and Pat and my mom helped me walk outside. I asked my mom if I could have a moment alone with Pat. She told me she'd be waiting in the car.
"Pat," I said.
He looked down at me and placed his hands on my waist. I looked up at him as the electricity from his hands coursed through me.
"Yes," He asked me.
"I love you."
He smiled at me and kissed my lips softly, as if I was a fragile porcelain doll. I pulled him closer and he crashed his lips to mine. I missed his touch. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head against his chest.
"Need a ride home," I asked.
"Yes, please. I took a bus here."
I laughed and we walked to the car. I got in the back with Pat so he wouldn't be alone.
"I love you," He whispered to me. I kissed his cheek and rested my head against his shoulder as we drove off. Along the way home, I dozed off.

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