5. Just One Yesterday

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The next day after school, Patrick and I walked to my house. I didn't feel like riding in a car. Patrick looked nervous.
"What's wrong," I asked him.
"Nothing," He answered.
I stopped and made him stop too. "Please tell me."
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. His eyes pierced mine and he held both of my hands.
"I don't care if you feel the same, Liv. I need to tell you. I like you. A lot."
I looked up at him and smiled. "Patrick. I-"
"I knew you didn't feel the same," He interrupted me.
"Shut up for a second! Patrick. I feel the same."
He looked at me. "Really?"
I nodded. Patrick smiled. Andy and Joe popped up from nowhere.
"HA! WE TOLD YOU SO!" Andy yelled while jumping. Joe was smiling with his arms crossed.
Patrick blushed and dropped my hands.
"Asshole," Patrick whispered.
I laughed. "Go away, Andy. Please. You too, Joe."
They both held their hands up and walked away. I returned my attention to Patrick.
"So... Sorry about that," Patrick said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its fine," I said laughing.
Patrick clearly was new to this. Surprisingly, so was I.
"I really don't know what to say," we said in unison.
Patrick laughed. "Still up for hanging out?"
We continued the walk to my house.
"Where's Pete," I asked Patrick.
"He said he had to say something to Brittany."
Patrick's hand reached for mine and I loved the electricity that ran through me as our hands touched.
"Jess and Willow are hanging out at the mall. Again," Patrick said.
I laughed and we entered my house. After getting two cans of soda and a large bag of chips, we sat in the living room and switched on the TV.
"What do you wanna watch," I asked Patrick as I handed him his soda. I sat beside him and placed the bag of chips between us.
"I don't care," He said.
I handed him the remote. "Yes. You do."
He laughed and flipped through the channels. He stopped on MTV. Awkward. was on.
"Is this good?"
"No. You don't want to watch this. I can tell. Iron Man II is on."
He turned it to Iron Man and he cracked open his can. I did the same and took a sip.
"What's your favorite movie," He asked me.
"Um. Divergent. You?"
"The Dark Knight Rises."
I laughed. "Two Face creeps me out. Especially Bane."
I shivered. Patrick laughed. I thought of something to ask him.
"When did you start singing?"
"About a month ago. I keep to myself."
I smiled. "Yeah. You do."
He looked at me. "Where's your dad. I haven't met him yet."
I pinned my lips together. "He's...gone."
He looked at me and saw I was on the verge of tears. He moved the chips and moved closer.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know."
I looked up at him and forced a smile. He pulled me into his lap and I hugged him.
"Its okay," He whispered to me.
"My dad died when I was ten. Car crash," I said.
Patrick wiped away my tears with his thumb. I looked into his eyes and we found ourselves moving closer. Soon, our lips brushed. I loved the feel of his lips on mine and I crashed our lips together. He placed his hands on my hips and drew me closer. We were interrupted by someone. I looked up to see my mother.

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