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Olivia's POV
After I saw Pat, the band had to leave and so did I. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
After I settled in the passenger seat, the tears fell. My mom saw me and hugged me. I told her everything I felt.
"How did all of this happen? I haven't seen Patrick in about a month and we only have a few minutes together. It sucks!"
A sob escaped my lips and it made me cry even more. I wanted our old lives back. When we had all the time in the world.
Patrick's POV
I sat in my seat on the bus and watched the water droplets hit the window. Pete noticed how quiet I was and sat beside me.
"You okay," He asked me.
"I don't even know. Olivia was acting as if she was on the verge of tears when she walked away," I told him.
Pete sighed. "You two haven't seen each other in a month."
"And you don't think I know that," I snapped.
Pete looked at me and I sighed. "Sorry."
"Its fine. You need some quality time with her. She misses you just like you miss her."
Pete stood and walked back to his seat and I returned to looking out my window. Where did the time go?
I tried calling Liv, but she didn't pick up. I sighed and put my phone away. I laid my head back against the seat and forced myself to fall asleep.

Olivia's POV
Once I was in my bed, I saw I had a missed call. Pat. I tried calling him back, but he didn't answer. He must've thought I was ignoring him when I didn't pick up. Without leaving a message, I hung the phone up and rolled over on my side. Soon, sleep devoured me. Nightmares of Pat breaking up with me tormented me all night.

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