4. We Are Like Young Volcanoes

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After the movie, Pat and I walked outside. He stopped me and I looked at him.
"Guess what," He told me.
"I wrote you a song."
I smiled at him. "Really?"
He handed me a MP3 player and smiled. "Press play. I haven't came up with a title."
I pressed play and listened closely.
After it went off, I was smiling.
"Did you like it?"
"No," I said. He frowned but I continued.
"I freaking loved it! You're an amazing singer!"
He smiled. "Keep it."
I smiled and hugged him. He placed his arms around me and it felt right. I pulled away and smiled.
"You should title it,'Young Volcanoes.'" I said.
He smiled. "Andy and everyone isn't here. I'll drive you home."
We walked to his car and got in. I played his song again and again until we arrived at my house.
Once at my house, my mom was standing outside when we pulled up. Pat and I both got out and my mom smiled at us.
"Hey mom," I greeted her.
"Hey. Who's this?"
"Patrick Stump. My friend."
"Hello Patrick."
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Harrison."
Mom smiled and shook his hand. Patrick hugged me goodbye and drove away. Andy pulled up next. I sighed. As he got out, so did all of my other friends. I smiled and waved them over. I introduced them all to my mother and they all hugged or shook hands.
"Hey, Andy," I said. My look said,'I'm going to kill you.'
Andy whispered in my ear. "You know you liked it. Patrick likes you. You like him. Put you two together and boom!"
I pushed him away and they all left. I was going to kill Andy and Joe. I walked in the house and took a shower. After drying off, I pulled on my pajamas and told my mom goodnight.
As I layed in my bed, all I could think about was Patrick. His cute face, his glasses, his eyes. I picked up my phone and texted him.
Me:Hi, Pat
Pat: Hey. What's up?
I thought of something to say.
Me: Tomorrow, do u wanna hang out @ my place?
Pat:sure =)
Me: yay! How about after school?
Pat:perfect! See you then!
Me: Night, Pat
Pat: Night, Liv.
My heart warmed at his new nickname for me. I smiled and put my phone down and dreamed of Pat singing to me.

Patrick's POV
I smiled and put my phone down on the table beside my bed. Olivia has invited me over after school! I came up with a nickname for her! Liv. It suits her.
I sighed. Tomorrow, I will make my move. I will tell Olivia how I feel.

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