15. Fourth Of July

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July 4, 2016 Olivia's POV
I walked downstairs and looked at my mom. She smiled and hugged me. She had just agreed to let me go on the tour with Fall Out Boy!
"Thank you so much, Mom!"
"No problem. Go get packed. Its a month long."
I grabbed two suitcases and packed my clothes, shoes, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, and my MP3 player that I've stored all of Fall Out Boy's music on. After I was done packing, I called Pat.
"Hey," He answered.
"Just got done packing."
He chuckled. "I'm already here."
I looked up and Pat was standing in the doorway. I ran to him and kissed him.
He grabbed my suitcases and I shook my head. I snatched one back and we carried them to his car. I walked back in to say goodbye to my mom.
"Call. Okay," She told me.
"Of course. Love ya!"
I walked out of my house and looked at my boyfriend. He wore his hat and cute glasses. I smiled and kissed him. We got in his car and drove to Andy's house. That's where we were meeting everyone. Jess and Willow didn't come. Awkwardness with Pete and Andy would spread. I'm the only one who likes everyone. I smiled and got out of Pat's car. We each grabbed a suitcase and loaded it onto the tour bus. Soon, we would be on our way to Fayetteville, North California. Our first stop. I sighed and rested my head on Pat's chest as everyone loaded.
"You get to see how annoying everyone really is. Especially Pete,"Pat whispered to me.
Pete turned around and smiled. "How are ya," He screamed to the top of his lungs.
"Could you speak up? I couldn't hear ya," I yelled back. Everyone laughed and the bus rolled off. NC here we come!

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