7. A Band?

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Patrick's POV
I walked into Joe's house. He called me on the phone and I rushed over. Andy, Joe, and Pete were down in the basement. They had their instruments out.
"We want to start a band. You in?" Pete asked me.
"Slow down. What," I said.
"We want to start a band. You in," Pete said slowly.
"Sure," I said.
"We heard you sing good," Andy said.
I blushed. "I guess."
"You're the lead," Joe announced. I grabbed my old white guitar. I haven't played this since I was ten. I placed the strap over my head and told the gang about my song I wrote for Liv.
"What should the band name be," I asked.
Pete was the first to answer. "Fall Out Boy!"
I smiled. "Sounds good."
Everyone agreed. We have a f*cking band!

Olivia's POV
"OMG! YOU HAVE A BAND!" I screamed into the phone.
Pat just said Andy, Joe, Pete, and him just agreed to be in a band.
"Yes! Is it okay if we use the song I wrote you?"
"Yes! Of course. Who's the lead singer?"
"Me. I'm one of the guitarists, too. Andy is the drummer and Pete and Joe are the other vocalists and guitarists. Cool, huh?"
"Its freaking awesome!"
I heard Pat laugh. "I'll come by after school tomorrow."
Pat agreed and said he had to go. "Bye," I paused. "Love 'ya!"
I heard Pat's breathing pause. "Love 'ya, too!"
We hung up and I smiled. My boyfriend is Patrick Stump and I just said I love him! He said he loved me.
"Ahh!" I squealed.

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