16. The Fireworks

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After the concert at Fayetteville, we walked back to the tour bus but Pete and Joe had a surprise. Fireworks lit up the sky and I smiled. Pat held me close as we watched the fireworks.
"Happy Fourth Of July," Everyone said.
Afterwards, the band had a special person to meet because she won some VIP Pass. I watched as she approached Pat. She smiled and waved at him.
"Hi," She said.
"Hi. Congratulations for winning the pass, by the way," Pat said.
She stepped close. Too close. She whispered something in his ear and I grew furious. Especially when she kissed him. On the lips. I ran from where I stood and pulled the girl away from him. Pat looked strange and Pete came running when I began to yell at the girl. Joe and Andy began to chant," Girl fight, girl fight!"
I looked away from the girl and she ran off. Joe and Andy shut up. Pat was frozen and Pete was trying his best not to laugh. I walked out and got on the bus. I was so irratated.
Pete walked in a few minutes after and sat across from me and I looked at him. He was the first to speak.
"Jealous," He asked me.
"You're no help whatsoever."
He smiled. "Patrick has his problems. Not being able to stick up for himself is one. That's why he has us. His best friends. And his girlfriend. You did the right thing."
I smiled at Pete. "Thanks, Petey."
He rolled his eyes. "Livie."
He walked off to gather the guys. Pat was the first on. He looked at me and sighed. He sat beside me and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm sorry," He said.
I shook my head. "No need to be. Pete explained things."
Pat blushed and looked at Pete. Pete just shrugged and continued his arm wrestle with Andy. Pete won.
"I'm the strongest man in the world!" He yelled.
We all laughed and Andy rolled his eyes. He was completely irratated.
"Try Joe," I suggested.
Pete shrugged and sat in front of Joe. They started and I laughed when Joe won.
"Ha," Joe yelled.
Pat chuckled and looked down at me. I smiled up at him.
"I love you," I said.
"I know."
I rolled my eyes and looked out my window and watched as we passed mile markers. We were on our way to Atlanta, Georgia.
"I love you, too," Pat whispered in my ear.
I shivered and he wrapped me up in his arms. I fell asleep as I watched the sunset.

A/N I would like to thank:
And many more for the votes! Thank you guys!!!! <3

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