17. I Am Your Worst Nightmare

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I woke up when we stopped at a rest stop. I groaned when the guys began to goof around. I wanted sleep.
"Get up!" Pete yelled in my ear. I sat up. I bought a water from the vending machine and took a sip. Pat and the guys were signing autographs and taking photos with their fans. Pat walked over to me.
"Hey," I said.
"You don't look too happy."
"I was woken up by Pete screaming in my ear. I have a reason."
Pat sighed. "I told you. They're irratating."
I smiled. "Definitely."
Sometime later, we were back on the bus and entering Georgia. I watched as towns came and went.
"Are you guys excited," I asked them.
"We're f*cking siked," Pete answered.
I laughed. "I know ya'll will rock!"
They smiled. "We know."
I rolled my eyes. "Are everyone of you cocky?"
"Yes," Everyone exclaimed.
I laughed and my heart picked up when I saw the size of the stadium the band were playing in. "F*ck," Pat whispered.
Everyone remained quiet. We were super afraid. The crowd was huge.

At the concert, Fall Out Boy played three songs. This Ain't A Scene, Centuries, and Hotel In New York City.
Afterwards, Pat and I sat on the bus talking when he handed me something. It was their album. I smiled and kissed him.
"Thank you," I whispered in his ear.
"My pleasure."
I laughed and put the CD in my bag. Pat and I waited for the rest of the band to board. Of course, Pete was the last one on.
"What," He asked as we all gave him agitated looks.
"Just sit," I said.
He did as he was told and my phone rang. It was Willow. I answered it. She asked to speak with Pete. I handed my phone to him and he answered it.
"Are you okay! No. I'm coming."
Pete hung up and looked at me.
"She was in a car accident," He told us.
"We can't just turn around," Pat told him. Pete handed me my phone and ran a hand through his dark hair.
I walked over and sat beside him. Placing a hand on his arm, I said," She's going to be okay. I promise."
He looked at me and sighed. "Okay."
I surprised myself and him by hugging him. He hugged me back and I sat back beside Patrick.
"Just twenty seven more days," I said.
Everyone cheared and clapped. We pulled off and headed to Texas.
Pat had fell asleep and I leaned on him and rested my head against his chest. I couldn't sleep. I was too excited about the concerts. I saw Pete was awake.
"Hey. Pete?"
"Yeah," He answered.
"After the tour, can you teach me to play the bass?"
He smiled. "Sure. Get some sleep. You need it."
I nodded and fell asleep in Pat's arms.

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