2. Brittany

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The next day, I couldn't pick out what to wear. Finally, I pulled out a black tee and a pair of skinny jeans. After slipping on my favorite Converse, I walked downstairs with my bookbag.
Mom smiled at me when I entered the kitchen.
"Morning," She greeted me.
She saw that I put on makeup and gave me a questioning look. "Make any friends?"
"Six actually. Patrick, Andy, Joe, Pete, Jess, and Willow."
She smiled at me. "Any crushes?"
"No!" I said even though I had my eyes on one of them. Patrick. He was so adorable and, dare I say, hot! I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal.

Ten minutes later, I met my group of friends outside the school. Unfortunately, Pat was nowhere to be seen.
"He's sick," Pete whispered to me.
"Oh," I whispered back.
He smiled all knowingly and walked into the school. I walked with Jess and Willow.
"You like Patrick, don't you," Willow whispered to me.
I blushed. "No! Why would you say that!"
Willow smiled and shrugged. We all walked to our lockers and then to our classes.
I was walking out of the class when Pete's girlfriend pinned me against the wall. I tried to pull away but she had some sharp nails digging into my shoulder.
"Stay away from Pete. Do you understand?"
Someone pulled her off of me and I sank to the ground. It was Pete.
"Leave her alone, Brittany," He told the girl.
Brittany stalked away and Pete rushed to help me up.
"Sorry. Again."
I forced a smile and walked away and acted like everything was okay. In reality, I really wanted Pat.
During lunch, I sat with Andy, Jess, and Willow. Joe and Pete sat at a different table.
"So. Brittany is on your bad side," Andy said to me.
"Apparently, I am too close to Pete. I swear. That bitch is so freaking irratating!"
Andy laughed and finished his Coke. I was just playing with my food. I wasn't hungry. I was scared. What if Brittany started hitting me?
"We'll protect you," Joe said, sitting beside me.
Everyone agreed. Except for Pete. Who was at a corner making out with Brittany. Ugh.
After school, I gave everyone my number in case they wanted to talk. Andy and Joe whispered something.
"Olivia," Andy said.
"Would you like to join us at the movie theater tonight."
I smiled. "Sure," I said slowly.
Joe and Andy secretly high-fived and we all went home. I wondered what they were up to.

Better Off As Lovers (A Patrick Stump FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें