18. Just Numb

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About a month later Olivia's POV
Holding my two suitcases, I walked into my old home. My mom saw me and smiled. She walked over and hugged me. I had just got back from the tour. Pat and the band were at Andy's house. I passed and headed home.
"I have some good news, Olivia," Mom told me after I put away my things.
"Yes," I asked.
She smiled and looked at me. "We're moving back."
I forced a smile and hugged her. Once I was upstairs in my room, I called Pete. Pat wouldn't answer my phone calls.
"Yea," Pete answered.
"I'm moving back."
Pete called Pat and put him on the phone.
"Hello," Pat said.
"Hi," I said in almost a whisper.
Yesterday, Pat and I got in a stupid argument that I can't even remember what it was about.
"What's up," Pat asked me.
"I moving back. I just thought I should let you know."
I heard Pat sigh. "I'm sorry. It was my fault. I had a major headache and I took it out on you. I understand if you don't forgive me."
"Patrick, I forgive you. I'll call you later, 'kay?"
"Of course. I love you."
"Love you, too!"
I hung up and sighed. I'm so glad we don't argue a lot. It would crush me.
I called Willow next. She picked up on the first ring.
"Hey!" She answered.
"You feel better?"
"Um... Yes."
I heard Pete's voice in the background and giggled.
"Ok. I'm going to go."
I hung up and laid on my bed. God, I was super tired. I fell asleep listening to Novocaine.

Patrick's POV
I hung up Pete's phone and handed it back to him.
"You two good," He asked.
"Yeah," I answered.
He patted my shoulder and walked off. Andy and Joe were talking to Jess and I was alone. Jess saw me and walked over.
"Hey, Patrick. Where's Olivia," She asked me.
"She's at home," I replied.
We began to talk. Her phone rang and she left. Sighing, I told Joe and Andy I was leaving. I walked out and got in my car. On my way home, I listened to The Phoenix. I smiled as I remembered it was the song I wrote Liv. The first song I wrote.

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