Chapter 1

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Cath's POV
"25 year old male, unconscious at the scene but gained consciousness on the way here"

The paramedics were rolling somebody through the doors of the E.R. I ran to them, grabbing the chart, and immediately sighed.

"What the hell did you do this time Andy?!"

"Hey, in my defense, it was Beth who got the kite stuck in the tree!" He said.

I turned to one of the new interns. "Get him to CT quick, I'll be there soon, I have to check on another patient." He nodded and grabbed the gurney, ready to roll Andy to an elevator to take him to CT but I stopped him. "Where are Beth and Jayden?"

"With Ashley." Andy responded in pain.

I checked for pupil response and it seemed like everything was okay. "Really Andy? Today of all days?"

"I'm sorry! Its okay, we will get to the wedding on time, we still have a lot of time!"

I sighed but gave him a quick kiss. "I'll meet you down there." I said softly then turned to the intern again. "He's all yours for now. But you better not let anything happen to him. Give him some ice for his head. If anything happens don't try to be the hero. You page me first then do something if you know how to treat it. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." He took Andy to the elevator with the help of some nurses.

"Wow, is that the groom?" Cristina walked up to me.

"Yes, it is. God, what if its something serious?!"

"Don't worry Cath, Andy has a very hard head, in all meanings of the phrase. He'll be fine and you guys will finally get married." We started walking to the patient I had to check on. Cristina followed me.

"I hope so." I opened the curtain where a middle aged man was laying on the E.R. bed, his family sitting around him. "Hey Mr. Johnson."

"Hello Dr. Reed. How were the results?"

I looked at the chart and a few notes I had taken. "Looks like you're good to go. But Mrs. Johnson, you should help him watch his diet. Diabetes aren't something you can just forget about, you gotta deal with it. Or else you end up here again, with me, and I think you guys are tired of me now." I smiled and the family smiled back.

"Thank you so much Doctor!" Mrs. Johnson told me.

"No problem. I will sign the release papers right now and you guys will be able to leave in an hour or so." I said goodbye and Cristina and I left. We went up to the counter where I asked for release papers.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we're going to be attendings next month! Can you imagine? Us... Bossing around the inters and the residents now. Wow. Do you know what your specialty is gonna be?" Cristina asked while I filled up the papers.

"General." I finished filling in everything and signed it, then handed it to the nurse so she could give it to the Johnsons.

"General? I thought you would go for something more like neuro. You seem like someone who would love a puzzle." Toby walked up to me.

"Oh hey look, Satan himself came to pay a visit." Cristina crossed her arms. I hadn't talked to Toby since the park incident. I had seen him around but I was to scared to look him in the eyes.

"Actually I prefer Ruler of all Evil, but I will answer to Satan." He turned to look at me. "I heard about the wedding. And the baby. I hadn't had a chance to congratulate you so... Congratulations."

I felt a little uncertain, not sure why he was being so nice. "Thanks... Well I have to go check on my idiotic boyfriend. I'll see you later Cristina." I left to the elevator and when the doors closed I felt like I could finally breathe. I have always been anxious around Toby since that day.

By the time I got to the CT scan room they were done. I pressed the button to the microphone that allowed the patients to hear us on the other room while they were in CT.

"Well, Andy, looks like you got lucky. Everything seems okay."

"Oh thank god." Andy got up and was about ready to leave the room.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" He stopped in his tracks and I walked to the other room.
"You are not suppose to stand up until we tell you to. And where were you gonna go? Huh? You don't have your bed."

"Home." He said.

"Fine... I guess you can go." I stood on my toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "You are so lucky insurance pays for this because if it didnt... Bye bye honeymoon." I walked away and suddenly felt a smack on my rear end "Hey! I'm at work!" I whisper yelled.

He smirked and started walking away. "I know."


"Cristina, what if I fall on my face walking down the isle? Or what if the dress doesn't fit, I mean, that would be a disaster! Or what if---"

"Hey, hey, Cath!"


"Shut up!" Let's just say Cristina wasn't a very patient person when it came to other people.

"Why are you even my maid of honor? You bully me too much." I said. We were sitting on the resident's lounge couch waiting for Jackie to arrive with the dresses.

"Its not bullying, its constructive criticism, and I'm your co-maid of honor. Remember you couldn't choose between Jackie and I so you chose both or did the panic make you forget?"

"I know, I know." I sighed, "Cristina... What if it doesn't work out? I mean, people always say that relationships change after marriage."

Cristina grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it. "That won't happen. Andy loves you way to much, you guys are ment to be together. But if something does happen, you will always have me. I'm your person."

I smiled. "You're my person."

Jackie walked-- no no, ran into the room with the dresses. "IM HERE! IM HERE! Sorry I took so long the traffic and the--"

I cut her off and grabbed the dress, "yea, yea,yea, you were late, now help me get into this dress!" Cristina had already helped me do my hair and make up and she had done hers too. Jackie was already ready too, just needed to put on the dress.

I stepped into the dress and Cristina zipped it up while Jackie put some accessories on me. We finished in what felt like a matter of seconds.

"Okay, now its your turn, put on your dresses, we're already gonna be late!" I said. They quickly got into their black bridesmaids dresses.

Once were all done getting ready we turned to look in the mirror at the same time as if we had read each others minds.

I looked at the reflection in the mirror and looked at myself up and down. "Wow. Okay. This is really happening."

The collage is of Cath & Andy and what they would be wearing to the wedding.

Hope you guys enjoyed, and I'm so excited to continue writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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