Chapter 5

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Cath's POV
We were all saying our goodbyes to the boys in front of their tour bus.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Ella, Jake's girlfriend, said as they hugged.

I turned to look at Andy.

Ashley cleared his throat. "Are you guys gonna say something or are you just gonna keep staring at each other? You know what, give me this little guy!" He took Jayden from my arms and walked off with him and everyone gathered around, giving all their attention to Jayden.

I hugged Andy as hard as I could, burying my face in his chest. "Be safe, okay? And don't take candy from strangers." He chuckled and lifted my chin up, looking into my eyes.

"I love you." He kissed me.

"I love you too."

"I'm gonna miss you!" Beth said hugging Andy's legs.

"I'm gonna miss you too pumpkin." He said.

"I love you, daddy." We all froze in shock. This was the first time Beth had called Andy, Dad. Andy looked at me surprised as if I should tell him what to say. I only smiled in reply.

"I love you too, princess" He picked her up and kissed her cheek. She wrapped her hands around his neck. "I'm going to be back before you know it! Just watch. I'm going to walk into the house and you're going to say 'you're here so soon? Didn't you just leave?'" Beth giggled and Andy smiled and hugged her one more time.

"Its time to go." Jinxx told us.

"I love you. See you soon" Andy kissed my cheek and grabbed his bags.

"I love you too."

"God, I already miss him." I said as I set down my glass of water.

Since all us girls were now alone I invited them to come to the house to talk or get together. The first night was always the hardest.

"I know. Me too." Alice, Jinxx's girlfriend, said.

"I've gotten used to it." Jackie said with a sigh.

"I know I should be happy, its their dream. Its Andy's dream. Its their job. I know that I'm not suppose to care. He supports me in everything I do and I should do the same. But how? How can I not care? He's away for months at a time and me having a full time job... I don't know. The kids. Me. Its just hard to not have him around." I sighed and tried to hold back tears. I was always the one that took the guys leaving for tour the hardest.

"I know. I know." Ella came over and wrapped her arm around me. "But you know what always cheers me up? I always know that there will be the best damn goodbye sex and the most amazing time when he comes back." She winked at me.

We all laughed.

"You know what? You're right." I got up and headed towards the kitchen. "And it also means that, we have our houses to ourselves! We can walk around in our worst clothes, we can comfortably not shave and not feel weird about it... And best of all..." I grabbed the bottle of wine and some cups. "We can have all the fun we want to have without worrying if we make a fool of ourselves or not!"

The kids were already asleep. I poured wine into the glasses.

"Oohh fancy!" Alice said as she grabbed one.

"Your first pump and dump, nice." Jackie laughed.

A few minutes later we were pretty out of it, almost finished with the bottle.

"You know, I get a lot of hate because of Jinxx's ex girlfriend. Like, the fans have to understand it didn't work out and its not my fault!" Alice said on the verge of tears.

"Ohh...Ali...its okay. We all go through that!" Ella hugged Alice while she cried.

"Im sure Cath can understand more than anyone. Those Juliet "snakes" or whatever they're called are vicious!" Jackie said.

"Well... I mean I don't really pay attention to that. I honestly don't do much on social media." I said.

"Man, have you seen the hate pages we all have?!" Ella asked.

"Oh my god, yes! Some are actually pretty hilarious!" Alice said sniffling a bit and laughing.

"What are they about?" I hadn't really looked at any, I knew it was never a good idea.

"Well there's stuff like apparently me photo shopping my pics to make my boobs look bigger, or there's some of Alice and how apparently she was pregnant with another man's child then got an abortion so Jinxx wouldn't find out. Or some saying CC has cheated on Jackie with you!" Ella laughed. "Oh and of course, some saying Beth isn't Andy's daughter or Andy cheated on you with Juliet or how they were happier together than him and you. You know,the regular bullshit."

I looked down and thought about some of the horrible stuff people make up. "Wow..."

Kind of a short chapter but I didn't want to continue it and make it too long.

The stuff about the hate pages I made up to build up detail in the story, I have never actually seen that online ok so chillll

Unbroken is amazing they should freaking preform it again and more I loooovvveeee iiitttt

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