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Cath's POV
"Okay, now I remember why I told myself I wasn't gonna do this ever again." Andy's hand felt like it was gonna pulverize beneath mine, contractions hitting hard.

"Hey, hey, you're doing great. It'll be alright," a soft, reassuring kiss was placed on my sweat coated forehead and I looked up to meet those deep blue-gray eyes.

"Yea, you're saying that because you're not going to be pushing a human being out of a hole in your body-- fuck," tightening my grip on his hand I let the next wave of contractions pass.

The doctor comes in, calm as can be, stretching a pair of gloves onto his large hands. "Alright, I think you're about ready to party," enthusiasm oozing off of his words, pissing my hormonal state off even more.

Looking up at Andy again, I meet his eyes and whisper, "Is he fucken serious?"

A laugh escapes Andy's lips and for a moment I am lost in him, the glistening of his gray eyes, the way they scrunch up when he laughs; the cool metal lip ring that felt oh-so-good in places of my body sticks out as his smile stretches. It's like the pain was gone, I couldn't feel a damn thing except amusement and calmness and safe.

And then all of that is shattered by another contraction, this time much worse than the other ones and I knew from past experiences that it was time.


People swarmed into the room, one after the other; Jackie, Ava, CC, Jinxx, Alice, Jake, Inna (his new girlfriend),
Ashley, Danny and Christina, hand in hand. Amy, Chris, Mat, Sam, AJ, Erick, Nick and Tim. To my surprise, Dean walked into the room, holding hands with a tall, blonde, green-eyed beauty, suddenly making me self conscious of my sleep deprived state.

"Juliet." Andy looked surprised but gave a warm smile, and received one in return, no hard feeling perceived at all.

I sat up on the bed, adjusting the pillow behind me. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, you're kinda famous now, we heard about the baby and I contacted Andy, congratulating you guys but he invited us over." Dean replied.

I looked up at him, amazed, in disbelief. "Really?"

He shot me a small smile. "I knew you would appreciate him being here. I didn't know he would bring company though."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Juliet said sheepishly.

"Don't be silly," I spoke up, "you guys are no trouble. We just didn't know you... you guys were.."

"We've tried to keep it on the down low." Juliet looked up at Dean and he looked into her eyes the way he used to look at mine. In that moment, I knew they were meant to last, and a smile crept onto my face.

A nurse rolled the baby into the room, causing eyes to turn her way. She reached the end of my bed, picked up the ridiculously small baby and handed the bundle of blankets to me.

Ava's eyes grew wide in excitement and she tugged at CC's shirt, "Look daddy! Baby!!" CC bent down and picked Ava up so she could see the baby.

Everybody clustered around us, Chris and Amy on my left, in awe of their new  grandchild.

"Can-Can I hold her?" Chris slowly stretched out his arms and I handed her to him. "Oh, she's so beautiful," I swear I saw tears in his eyes, but much like Andy, Chris didn't cry in public. Amy caressed the baby's small cheek and looked at Andy and I, "I love you guys so much."

My smile was accepted as a response, and suddenly a whiplash of exhaustion hit me.

"What's her name?" Danny asked softly. The room was quite, all gazes aimed at the baby girl in amusement.


ALRIGHTY so, the prologue of the next Andy book has been posted, no it is not related to this one. It is a totally different writing style than this one, much darker and it's fiction, not just fanfiction. The book's name is Till Death and Beyond if you guys are interested in reading it, I will be updating pretty much every other day or so, so yea. There's that.

I'm also starting another book that I will post when it's all finished, I don't know if I should make it a Punk Luke Hemmings A.U. ? Tell me what you guys think.

Let's just take a moment and admire the picture at the top of the page of the two stars of this book bc they're both so beautiful ya know?

Follow my Instagram for updates and shout outs of your books if you guys want @/band_fiction

Thank you so much for all of you who have read all three books of this Cath/Andy series, I love you guys so much 🖤

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