Chapter 13

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Andy's POV
Six months have passed and Cath hasn't shown signs of improvement. Jackie sat down with me a couple of months ago and we both agreed I wasn't mentally or emotionally stable enough to take care of the kids so now she and CC are taking care of them but I visit them daily.

I spend most of my day by Cath's bedside, where I am now.

"Hey Andy." All the doctors and nurses that took care of Cath pretty much knew me and called me by my first name now. She walked in closing the door behind her.

I didn't say anything, I didn't even look up.

"We need to discuss some stuff,Andy." I looked up indicating Dr. Edwards I was listening. "Look, Cath's going into organ failure. That usually means... Andy she doesn't have much time left."

I stayed quiet, silently screaming at her inside my head saying She's not gonna die. She can't die. This doesn't mean she has little time left. "She's going to wake up." I said, my voice cracking inbetween.

"I don't-- its very unlikely she will." she placed her hand ontop of mine and slid her chair closer to me. "Andy you have to move on." Her hand reached up and caressed my cheek making me look up to look into her eyes.

As I silently cursed at her for even thinking Cath wouldn't wake up--because she is. She's gonna wake up--

"Theres nothing to move on from. I'm still married, and Cath is going to wake up. Shes going to wake up! Now tell me what organs are failing and I will find a doner, or be a doner myself. And after that I want a different doctor."


Cath's kidneys were failing and turns out I was luckly a match. I was laying in the gurney, prepped for surgery.

They rolled me into the O.R. and put a mask over my mouth and nose. The anesthesia quickly started kicking in and I remembered the first time I had seen Cath after the big breakup.

"I couldn't think of a better doctor to trust." I smiled and looked up at Cath. The anesthesiologist injected anesthesia into my IV.

"Okay Andy now, count backwards from 15 for me." Cath said.


Cristina's POV
"How'd it go?" I asked the sugeon that had preformed the kidney transplant on Cath and Andy.

"It went fine. We just have to keep an eye out incase her body rejects the kidney." I nodded and went to check on my patients.

A couple hours later I decided to check up on Cath. I calmly walked down the hall. As I was one room away from Cath's I heard a machine flatline and I sprinted inside the room.

"What are you doing?! Don't just stand there! Get a crash cart!" I yelled at the nurses. I ran to Cath's bed and started manual CPR.

"But Dr. Yang, Dr. Reed signed a DNR..." One of the nurses said.

I stopped giving CPR and thought about it. God damn it Catherine... Why did you sign a fucken DNR?!

"I don't give a rat's ass, CRASH CART NOW!" I resumed the CPR until one nurse hesitantly rolled a crash cart in. I grabbed the paddles. "Charge to 250... Clear!"
I pressed the paddles to Cath's chest and shocked her. Her body jumped at the electricity but was still flatlining. "300... Clear!" again, same thing happened. No answer. "Clear!" and again. "Clear!" and again. "CLEAR!" until finally I got a pulse.

A huge exhale of relieve left my lungs. "Don't ever scare me like that again Cath."

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