Chapter 30

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Christina's POV
~Christmas Eve~

"Alright," Cath walked into the dinning room carrying the turkey, swiftly avoiding all the moving bodies, and set it down on the table. "Bon appetite."

As soon as everyone saw food they sat down, still continuing their conversations. They carved the turkey up and devoured it in a matter of minutes, mashed potatoes were passed around, cranberry sauce stains were left on the table cover.

"That was delicious." Ashley said, dramatically sinking into his seat and rubbing his stomach.

Cath received a few other compliments and everyone dispersed but I stayed in my seat. I stretched over the dishes on the table and grabbed ahold of the wine bottle. I poured the white wine into my glass, took a sip, then stood up. Careful not to drop my glass I pushed the chair in and took a few steps backwards, suddenly my back collided with something, the wine inside my cup stirred like crazy and I turned around to see what or who had caused me to almost spill it.

"Oh, sorry!" Danny and I both said in unison. We spoke at the same time again, "No, no it was my fault--no, I-- sorry."

We both laughed and I looked at him. Leather jacket over a warm brown sweater, blue jeans that hugged his body just right. His hair was now short and styled into a small quiff at the front. He looked at me too, I suddenly became self conscious of the tight blue dress I was wearing, paired with brown knee high boots.

"Hi." He said, almost seemed like he was breathless.



I chuckled, "You already said that."

"Oh, yea, sorry. Um, you, uh. You look good." He said.

"Thanks. How's the wife?" I said taking a sip of my wine.

He looked intently at his glass of bourbon and took a quick swing of it, swallowed hard and answered, "Not my wife anymore."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Yea. Me too."

For some weird reason talking to him now felt different than all the other times. Maybe it was the holidays, or the fact that I've had one-too-many glasses of wine with my dinner, but I feel nervous around him. Something that doesn't happen with anyone else. I'm usually the one intimidating people. I don't like this.

Jackie's POV
I looked around, away from Cath whom I was having a conversation with. Everybody was deep into their own conversations, Christina and Danny laughing, the guys were sharing stories with Matt and Sam. Nobody else was around us except Jayden and Ava, who were adorably waddling around, not even being able to walk flawlessly yet but trying to run around.

I leaned in closer to Cath. "So you invited Dean?"

"Yea but he couldn't make it. Apparently, he's having Christmas dinner with his new girlfriend's parents." She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her apple cider.

"Maybe it was for the best. I mean, imagine everything that could've happened between him and Andy if he did show up."

"You're right."

We turned our attention to the kids and watched in silence. Suddenly, Ava raised her hand and stroke Jayden across the face in a full on soap opera slap. I gasped, "Hey! No! We don't do that, Ava! Jayden's nice, you have to play nice too!" I stroke Jayden's shoulder, emphasizing nice. "See, nice"

Ava looked at me, then back at Jayden. She walked closer to him, I was thinking she was gonna hug him, but instead she pressed her lips against his in a quick peck.

Cath bursted into laughter, but I, a bit embarrassed but internally cracking up, picked Ava up. "No! We don't do that either !"

Jayden stood there, confused, lost, occasionally looking up at Cath. Poor kid had no idea what hit him.

Ashley spoke up from a few feet behind me, "Dude! Even Jayden is getting some! And I'm here all alone, what the hell!?!"

Andy's POV
Hand in hand I led Cath to the far corner of the living room.

Confused she asked, "What is it that you had to take me over here to do?"

Ignoring her question I looked up, "Oh, would you look at that." Following my gaze, Cath discovered mistletoe hanging above us.

She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands snaked around her waist and brought her closer, colliding our lips. Cath smiled into the kiss and in between pecks said, "I'm...hmm... pregnant."

I pulled back and laughed, "What?!"

"I'm pregnant."

Grinning from ear to ear I kissed her again.

Cath's POV
The night was over, it was currently 3 in the morning and everyone had finally gone home; even Danny, he was now renting an apartment in L.A. not far from here.

Before we could crash into bed, Andy and I decided to rinse the dishes and place them into the dishwasher. As we were transferring the plates from the dinning room table to the kitchen counter I stumbled across the wishbone.

I held it up for Andy to see, "Make a wish?"

He held on to the other end of the bone, but took it from my hand.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

Serious, he responded, "I don't have to wish for anything. I've got all I want."

I smiled, warmth filled my heart, and I shook my head. "Cmon, let's make a wish. Please?"

Giving in, he held out the wishbone. It snapped in half and I observed my end. "Looks like you got the longer half. What'd you wish for?"

"For this to last forever." He placed a hand on my cheek, "When I look into your eyes... everything seems okay for once. And all I want is to feel that way for the rest of my life. "

The end

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