Chapter 23

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Cath's POV
We got home and I went straight to my room. God that makes me sound like a moody teenager again...

I changed into something nice, a tight ashy pink/nude dress with some black heals. As soon as I was done the anger and frustration towards Andy had dialed down and I decided to go downstairs.

He was sitting on the couch with Jayden in his arms and he was watching Beth play with some legos. His black button up shirt had its sleeves neatly folded up and tucked into his usual black jeans.

He turned to look at me and his jaw dropped. "Wow.." I blushed and looked down. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "ready to go."


Andy stood up and grabbed his keys and I led Beth to the door. We dropped the kids off at Jackie's and headed to the restaurant.

The car ride was painfully quiet, neither of us even making eye contact. I stared out of the window trying to ignore the awkwardness when suddenly Andy pulls over.

"What are you doing? We're in the middle of knowhere." Andy didn't respond. He just got out of the car and closed the door behind him. "Hey, what's going on?"

I got out too and looked at him from the other side of the car. He leaned against the side of the car and sighed, his head tilted back exposing his neck tattoos. I was getting kind of tired of this whole thing. Honestly I just wanted to rip his clothes off and do it right then and there.

He sighed again and looked at the sky. "What's going on is, I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone and its killing me. This is the first time I've had to deal with your ex's. I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of competing with him. And yes I'm jealous and might've overreacted but what do you expect from me?! You and the kids are the only things I care about and he's threatening that. I can't loose you. I won't survive."

I was speachless. Not knowing how to respond to this sudden burst of his I stayed quiet. We stared at eachother, not saying a word, not moving a muscle. Just stared. I loved getting lost in those baby blue eyes, forgetting the chilly dark night and the trees surrounding us. The sound of crickets soon became silence as I stared at him.

I was worried I would say the wrong thing so I didn't say anything at all. All of a sudden Andy got back in the car and so did I.

He ran a hand through his hair, "Look if you do--"

I grabbed his face and connected our lips. We both missed this feeling, the sparks that flew through our bodies everytime we touched. Andy smiled and placed his hand on the back of my neck deepening the kiss.

"I love you. Never doubt about it again. And I'm here to stay." I kissed him again, savoring the taste of his lips; the taste of cigarettes and mint. And I don't know why but it was the most addicting thing for me.

He pulled back and smirked, turning on the car again and we drove to the restaurant but this time, in comfortable silence, knowing everything was going to be okay. Knowing neither of us were going anywhere.
Hey guys i know its been a reeeeeeaaaallllyyy long time since i last updated so happy new years! Honestly i havent updated because i really dont have more ideas on how to continue this.

So if you guys want this to go on a little further please comment suggestions of what should happen OR i think this chapter could possibly be a really crappy ending so i meanif you guys are okay with this then it'll end here.

Thank you sooooooo much for reading my books it really does mean alot to me that people, REAL people would take the time out of their day to read my crappy books so thank you very much ❤ you guys are amazing and I've really enjoyed writing these books and watching your reactions. This may or maynot be goodbye but thats up to you guys i guess. Again tysm and take care ❤✌

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