Chapter 8

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Cath's POV
There was a knock at the door so I went downstairs and answered it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jackie asked walking through the door, Cristina following behind.

"Yea...? Why are you guys here?"

"Oh. Well I thought with all that you told me and then the pictures that are all over social media you would... I don't know... Be a little down?" Jackie said. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a fancy jacket like she had just gotten out of work and didn't change.

"What pictures?"

" don't know." Cristina said.

I took out my phone from my right back pocket and opened it to check Instagram.

"No no no!" Cristina and Jackie both yelled.

"Why not?"

"Give me the phone." Cristina tried to grab the phone from my hand but missed.

"Tell me, what's so bad I can't see it?" I asked.

"Give us the phone Cath..." Jackie said.

"No. Im going to find out sooner or later. Tell me now!"

"Give me the phone!" Cristina ran to me and tried to grab the phone out of my hand but I dodged her and ran upstairs. The first room on the left was a bathroom. I ran in and locked the door behind me. Jackie and Cristina pounded on the door, begging me to open it. I ignored them and opened the Instagram app seeing there where a bunch of notifications. I clicked on the first one which was of someone that tagged me in a comment. The picture popped up. It was a picture of Andy and Juliet going into her bus.

The caption read;

Guys, everyone needs to relax. The army is freaking out but we don't know what's really happening or what happened that night. I personally think we should leave Andy, and the boys in general, alone when it comes to personal matters. Now, if the stuff people are saying about him cheating on Cath is true...then I am very disappointed. Cath doesn't deserve that.
But you know what, it might not be true. Maybe they're just friends. Exes can be friends. So everyone just chill and leave both of them alone.

Andy and Juliet were together. That's why she answered his phone! I looked through the comments on that picture and most were of people agreeing and some where of haters saying I deserved it or Andy should've stayed with Juliet but I didn't pay much attention to those. Someone asked what was going on and the account that posted the picture replied;

Andy was seen going into Juliet's tour bus holding her hand a couple days ago and everyone is freaking out.

"Cath! Open up!" Jackie said pounding on the door again. "Please..."

I got up and unlocked the door but didn't open it.

Jackie sighed and walked in. "Cath... This doesn't mean anything."

"But it does! I called him to tell him I fucken stayed here, I gave up the opportunity to go learn and do research in Germany, for him. I did it for him. And of course Juliet answers the fucken phone! She hung up when she realized it was me. It does mean something. I'm not stupid, he can't play me like this."

"Mommy? What's going on?" Beth walked into the bathroom with her barbie dolls in her hands.

"Nothing honey," Jackie stood up. "Can I go play with you? Maybe we can get your little brother to play!" Beth nodded and Jackie took her away.

"Cath, you know what I think? I think you should go to Germany. You need a distraction from all this. Plus, he thinks you're in Germany right now. It won't do him any harm if you go now. Its probably nothing, you should go." Cristina said.

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