Chapter 4

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Andy's POV
Cath and I have been back from our honeymoon in Italy for about two weeks now. It was amazing but as soon as we got back, Cath, of course,went back to work and I left for Warped Tour today.

"Oh man, you won't believe what I saw today at work!" Cath said as she walked through the door. She had the nightshift last night so now, at 9:00am, she finally came home.


"A tumor the size of a football on someone's chest!" She said excited.

I raised an eyebrow. "And that's good?"

"Yes! I mean no. Its good for me! Don't worry, she'll be fine. Its gonna be a bitch to remove but I will remove it nonetheless." Cath said smiling. "Now the question though is how to do it without puncturing the lungs or the heart..."

"How bout maybe cut the tumor in half first so you don't have as much mass to work with?" I suggested.

"No. There are veins that provide the tumor with its blood supply running all throughout it. She would bleed to death." Cath started biting her fingernail.

"Well... I'm no doctor so I'm gonna go pack and stay out of this." I stood up but Cath got up from the couch and ran over to me. She jumped on my back and I grabbed on to her thighs, stabilizing her.

"Don't leave!" She kissed my neck.

"Well someone's in a good mood!" I said.

"I am!"

I walked to the bedroom with her on my back and then plopped her down on the bed while I went to put the last few things into my suitcase.

"Why do you have to leave today?" Cath asked. "Why can't it be tomorrow? Or never."

I chuckled. "I know, I know. I wish I could stay here longer too. But I've got to go."

Jayden started crying from the other room.

"Not it!" Cath and I both quickly said.

"Hey, I took the night. Its your turn! Its not like I can feed him with these!" I said and put my hands over my chest.

"But... You're going to leave today! Don't you want to have as much time as you can with your son?" Cath asked with a smirk.

"No no no. I will have plenty of time later today. Now its your turn."

"Fine.." Cath got up and walked out of the room.

"OH MY GOD!" As soon as I heard Cath yell my body went cold. I dropped anything I had in my hand and ran to the nursery.

"What?! What happened?! Is everyone okay?!"

"Yes! Everyone's gonna be okay! I know how to remove the tumor!!" Cath yelled.

"Oh my god Cath! You almost gave me a heart attack!" My heart was racing 80 MPH and my breathing was heavy. "You're lucky you're so beautiful or I would be so mad at you right now." I walked over to her and hugged her, kissing her temple.

"Oh screw beautiful, I'm brilliant!!" She yelled.

She grabbed Jayden and headed into the hallway. Jayden immediately stopped crying as if Cath's touch was magic.

When we exited Jayden's room Beth came out of hers rubbing her eyes groggily.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty!" I said picking her up. She giggled and I followed Cath down to the kitchen.

"I can 3D print it! That way I kind of know what its anatomy is" She grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge and placed it on a pot with some water, then turned the heat on to warm it up.

"Okay I don't know how that would work but it sounds like a pretty solid plan."

"It is! Sort of. It will require a bit of work." She said

"Okay. But my question here is, how are you not falling asleep right now?! You've been working since 10!" I said setting Beth down.

"Caffeine, Wheeee" She spun around making Jayden giggle.

I chuckled. "Do you want breakfast?"

"Nah, I'll pick something up on my way to work."


"I told you. I have to go back! I have to start the printing because it takes at least 7 hours. That way it'll be ready when I go back to work! Don't worry. I'll come right back." She kissed my cheek. She had Jayden rested on her hip and I grabbed him, carrying him over to the couch.

"Do you want me to make you guys something before I leave?" Cath asked.

"Eggs and French Fries!!" Beth yelled.

Cath and I laughed. "Okay fine." Cath said. "Sunny side up or scrambled?"

"Sunny side up!" Beth and I yelled at the same time.

Cath's POV
After making breakfast and feeding Jayden I headed to the hospital. As soon as I got there I ran straight for the genome lab where the 3D printer was located. I got the chest X-Rays we had taken of Mrs. Stevenson and started printing the tumor.

"What are you doing?" I jumped because I didn't know anyone was there with me.

"Printing a tumor."

"Printing a tumor?" Cristina looked surprised.

"Yea. I figured if I had a 3D printing of the tumor I can kind of eyeball where and how to extract it while in the operating room."

"Nice Dr. B. Can I call you Dr. B? Sounds nice." Cristina smiled.

"No you may not."

After about an hour or so I finished setting the printer and let it do its thing then went home.

"Hey, do you want to go out somewhere?" Andy asked as I walked into the living room.

"Like where?" I asked. He walked towards me and placed his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Mm... I don't know. But I kinda wanted to go.. Without the kids." He said with a smirk.

"Ohh I think I know where you're going with that Mr. Biersack."

"Well do you like where I'm going with that, Mrs. Biersack?" He chuckled gently pressed me against the door. I connected our lips and we kissed slowly for a while.

"Mom, I'm hungry!" Beth walked into the living room and Andy and I pulled away. Andy chuckled and rested his forehead on my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll make something in a bit. Can you go check on your brother?" I asked. Beth nodded and walked away.

Andy groaned and started kissing my neck. You see, when you have a 6 year old and a baby in the house, you don't really get any adult time. And with work, Andy and I haven't been able to be together since the honeymoon.

"So...right now?" I asked.


Kind of a filler chapter but it has some information that will be important later.

Hi I'm back!

I've noticed not a lot of people are reading this book. Or not as many people as the last two books. Idk if its just because they don't know or don't have it in their library or maybe it isn't good? Anyways I want to know what you guys think.

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