Chapter 21

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Andy's POV
"What are you doing here Juliet?"

"I just wanted to stop by and say hi... I heard about Cath." All eyes were on us as she answered my question. The tension between us could be cut with a knife. "Can I uh... Can I speak with you for a minute?"

I looked around the room to see everyone was still staring at us. "Right now is not a good time."


I sighed. "Fine." I walked out the door without saying another word and she took the hint. Juliet emerged from the exit door as I leaned against a wall placing a cigarette between my lips, expertly lighting it. "So?"

Juliet looked worried, or nervous, either way she looked like she was going to have a panic attack at any moment. "Look I know I really screwed up and I wanted to apologize. I just haven't had the chance to come and visit and I didn't think it would be the best idea anyways.." she rambled.

"Well it was the least you could've done."


"You caused this. You're the reason I had to go apologize. We got in the car, we argued, about you, I didn't pay attention to the road because I was too busy trying to convince my wife that you meant nothing to me and we crashed. This was all you!" I finished out of breath and realized how hurtful my words were. I knew what I had just said was like venom to Juliet yet strangely I felt a bit relieved to finally have said everything out loud. I had to hear that it wasn't my fault out loud, even if it came from me.

Juliet opened and closed her mouth trying to put words together, hurt written all over her face. A tear escaped her eyes and she sighed. "You know what, you're right. I'm sorry."

And with that she left, leaving me alone with dark thoughts and a cigarette.

Dean's POV
The bar was my escape, my safe haven. Why? Well because tequila doesn't judge. Tequila understands.

After literally drowning my feelings in alcohol I looked around the bar, my eyes landing on a girl downing multiple shots.

"Hey, unless you're extremely alcohol tolerant, I advice you slow down there."

She turned her head and gave me a confused look. "And who might you be?"

"Im Dean. And you must be Andy's ex."

"I have a name you know." She grabbed another full shot glass and I watched as she swallowed the sharp beverage.

"Yea? What is it?"


"Oh, right. The infamous Juliet Simms."

"I'm guessing you've heard of me from the guys? And not very good stuff either, right?" she asked for another drink but I shook my head at the bartender, mouthing the word "water" at him.

"I've over heard some things but I like to make up my own mind about people, not go with what other people say about them. Have you ever heard the quote, "What Sally says about Susie says more about Sally than Susie"?"

She scoffed and looked down at her now empty cup. "So what's your deal, Dean? Why are you talking to me?"

"What I can't talk to a pretty girl without having a reason?"

She rolled her eyes and stayed quiet but a smile grew on her face.

"What? I'm serious. I feel like if we are both hurting, staring at the bottom of a bottle, why not do it together?"

"How do you know I'm "hurting" and why are you?" Juliet asked. The bartender returned with a glass of ice water and placed it next to Juliet but she didn't seem to notice, too focused on watching me as I answered.

"I could tell you were sad from halfway across the room just by the way you're sitting."

"The way I'm sitting?"

"Yea. Slumped shoulders, hands tightly around a glass of vodka."

She laughed and looked down, her long hair falling in front of her face. I stretched out a hand about to move it behind her ear but I backed off and let my hand hang on my side.

After a while of awkward silence Juliet cleared her throat. "So, you didn't answer the rest of my question. Why are you hurting?"

"Well, its not easy watching someone you once shared everything with be with someone else."

"Tell me about it. So you and Cath huh?"


Juliet placed a gentle hand in my shoulder and her eyes softened, looking into mine. "You're still in love with her.."

Too scared to say anything, or not wanting to actually admit it my only reply was, "You're still in love with him."

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